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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog Hop and Gifts For You

Merry Christmas
Welcome to the Sticks!

I'm so happy to be sharing cookie recipes with everyone.

 is absolutely brilliant to create this virtual cookie exchange blog hop every year.

I'm not much of a baker.
  (Now you are wondering why you are here.  lol)

 I really enjoy it, but to be honest I'd rather be sewing.

That's why I'm sharing my cookie recipe 

I'm sharing some new quilt blocks too.

First, my cookie recipe is my go to when it comes to cut cookies. 
 I'm not a big sugar cookie fan but I DO love a good peanut butter cookie.  

When I make these, everyone is always asking for the recipe.
So here it is.  It's a JPG file so just right click on it to save it.

The icing on these little guys is super sweet, but the peanut butter cookies complement it nicely.

When this hop was announced, I did what I love and that is to
design quilt blocks.

 Santa Loves Cookies

and I love to sew
everyone likes gifts.

Anyone can win!  But only one can win the gift certificate. Good luck!
Winner will be announced by Monday December 11th.

Merry Christmas to you!

Be sure to stop at all these blogs and pick up some yummy cookie recipes


smithcindyk said...

Peanut butter cookies are my favorite! I love your mug rugs.

Lisa England said...

I'm getting inspired to make delicious things and beautiful things for Christmas! I love baking Christmas cookies -- and eating them too!

Carol said...

I never thought about rolling and cutting peanut butter cookies. Yum! Love peanut butter cookies! Thanks for the patterns too--you always come up with cute designs!

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

Carla, I have to make those cookies! Oh, and the blocks are so fun!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Carla,
What a cute block and your cookies look delicious, too. ~smile~ Roseanne

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Peanut Butter cookies are a favorite in our house, thanks for the recipe and cute mug rug blocks!

krislovesfabric said...

Those sound good and I love the cookie man pattern with the bite...I always start with the legs, lol!

Karen said...

Cute block for a mug rug and a great recipe too!

Sylvia Anderson said...

Those mug rugs are so darn cute and the cookie recipe looks like a keeper, as our grands and great grands just love peanut butter cookies.

Carol Swift said...

That mug rug is so cute...thanks for the pattern! The cookies. Oh, my, gosh. I love peanut butter cookies and to be able to roll them and cut them is awesome!

Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity said...

That gingerbread mini quilt is just the best EVER! What a cute creation!

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

I am with you Carla, I would rather sew than cook or bake.

works4me said...

Poor gingerbread man. Santa ate part of his head. So cute. I'll ignore the cookie recipe, though, as I am deathly allergic to peanuts.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That sounds like a yummy cookie recipe!!thanks for sharing!

Kathy E. said...

Who doesn't love a great peanut butter cookie! I've never made cut-out cookies with peanut butter dough, so this will be a new one for me! Thanks for the patterns too!

Deonn said...

Oh, those blocks are the cutest! Thanks for the free patterns. And I have never thought to make gingerbread shaped peanut butter cookies - those will surely be a hit at my house!

sam said...

This is perfect timing. Need to make cookies for a party next week.

Charlotte M. said...

I never would have thought of peanut butter cut out cookies. Yum! Cookie baking happens all this week here, to make enough for all the neighbors.

Scrapatches said...

Yummy ... and sew cute ... thank you for sharing< Carla ... :-) Pat

Anonymous said...

HI,what a cute block and your cookies look delicious,too.Thanks for sharing!!! msstitcher1214@gmail.com

QuiltShopGal said...

I prefer to sew/quilt vs bake too, but I still love yummy cookies, especially during the holidays. Thanks for the peanut butter recipe. Silly me, as I didn't realize you could cut them like a sugar cookie. I'm looking forward to making these. And I love all your Christmas/Holiday projects.


Rozz01 said...

Thanks a Mil for the Santa & Gingerbread Boy pattern ideas as there is still time to make them. rozz01(at)cox(dot)net

Janarama said...

A cookie with a matching mug rug ... what a great idea! Thanks for the patterns and the cookie recipe.


I love peanut butter--so can't wait to make these cookies--
I get tired of always making sugar cookies, so thanks for a new recipe-
enjoy the moments, di

Unknown said...

Darling patterns! Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

Anne D said...

I would rather sew than cook so all recipes are quick and easy. Love your Christmas minis.

Suze said...

Thanks for all the loot - recipes and quilt bloc patterns. Thanks for the opportunity to find the gift certificate. Merry Christmas! Susan

Kate said...

Thank you!

Sheila said...

Thanks for the cute patterns and the yummy cookie recipe , so kind of you .

Terry said...

Love peanut butter...have to try this recipe!

Patty said...

Love the cookie quilt with the head bitten off!

OneOldGoat said...

The cookies look yummy! Peanutbutter cookies are one of my favorite - I love you mug rugs!

tink's mom said...

They look so yummy and a great start to this wonderful hop. Thanks also for the great patterns.

Renee said...

I love, love, love your glass of milk and cookie paired with the mug rug of the same image. How fun!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Your cookies are cute. I love peanut butter cookies. Cute pot holders.

Sarah@123quilt said...

Love PB cookies! Thanks for the recipe!

Monica said...

My husband loves peanut butter cookies. I'm going to have to try these.

Deb said...

I LOVE peanut butter from the jar....unfortunately, just not cooked into cookies. I'm sure yours are great though!

June D said...

Peanut butter cookies in shapes - what fun! I used to not enjoy cooking, but now glad I have people around to eat what I make so it's something I try to do all the time. : )

Carrie P. said...

Those blocks are so cute. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance in the giveaway. Merry Christmas!

anna said...

I stopped baking once my kids grew up, but now having grandkids it's time to start again. and I do need recipes. thanks for sharing

Edie said...

Cookies look scrumptious. Cute potholders! raydeer@memlane.com

Cecilia said...

Cute blocks and yummy cookies! Thanks for the recipes and giveaway.

Sewgirl said...

Thank you so much for the darling potholder patterns..they are so cheery! Happy Holidays.

Farm Quilter said...

Your cookies look amazing - I LOVE peanut butter cookies!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway too!

Anonymous said...

Such cute mug rugs! I love peanut butter cookies too. I usually make them into reindeer, with pretzel antlers, chocolate chip eyes, and a red M&M nose. Merry Christmas!

Lee said...

Great mug rugs - Thank you for the pattern and yummy recipe!

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Thanks for the free potholder patterns. They are so cute! The cookie recipe looks great too. I just might have to stir up a batch as peanut butter are my favorite. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

ytsmom said...

I've never seen a roll out peanut butter cookie, sound yummy.

Judyk said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I entered as Judyk in case you try to match me to my comment.

Vicki H said...

Peanut butter cookies are my husbands favorite.

Debby said...

Cut out peanut butter cookies are a must for my daughter. She loves all peanut butter. Blocks are so cute. thanks

VA said...

Cute mug rugs, and those cookies really look yummy!

Calicojoan said...

I’m with you...I’d rather be sewing too. Although I do love eating cookies😂 Thanks for the fun patterns.

teachpany said...

Such a fun hop. Thanks for the patterns and recipe.

Pat V. said...

Santa with his cookies is so adorable! Thanks for sharing!

Donna W said...

Thanks for the peanut butter cookie recipe

GranChris said...

These are just too sweet. I want to run to the machine and make them.

mumbird3 said...

Thanks for the recipe - love peanut butter!!!! Mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

quilter said...

Thanks for the recipes and the giveaway! I love FQS!

Lisa in Port Hope said...

It's too early in the morning for cookies, but just wait for the weekend! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

Renea said...

Your cookies sound yummy. Thanks for the giveaway.

LJ said...

First, thank you for the lovely patterns. I just had to smile seeing the cookie with a bite out of it. Thanks for the great recipe; my husband loves peanut butter cookies, too. Merry Christmas

Kathy L said...

Love the patterns, thanks.

Unknown said...

Very cute blocks!

Havplenty said...

Ooh I love peanut butter cookies. Thanks for the recipe and the free block patterns.

tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Brenda said...

I don't spend much time in the kitchen. Now the sewing room is a different thing! LOL!

amelia w said...

Im actually going to use that peanut butter cookie next week!

@lutzcats said...

Peanut Butter CUT-OUTS, be still my heart!!!

MaryBeth said...

Your little gingerbread man is so cute. Merry Christmas.

Chiska said...

Love your patterns! They are so cute!!

Anonymous said...

I love your Christmasy blocks. The Santa makes me smile! Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

Michelle said...

Peanut Butter cutouts...how fun and yummy! Thanks for sharing your Christmas as well. They're so cute!

Needled Mom said...

I love the mats - especially with the bite out of the gingerbread man. The cookies sound delicious too.

Anonymous said...

What fun those potholders are! I really like the one with the cookie with a bite out of the head. =) Thanks for sharing those patterns, and for the great idea to make gingerbread cookies out of some other dough! This looks perfect.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, I didn't know about the favorite family tradition answer! So sorry, just count one of these comments. I honestly think my favorite when the boys were little was cookie day - lots of kinds of cookies. Little guy standing on a chair to mix. Big guy trying not to get burned by the oven, and sneaking bites of dough. Memories like that are so great!

Lynne Stucke said...

I love the bite taken out of your gingerbread man! Such an original touch!

Amy said...

Just too cute, Carla. Love the poor gingerbread man.

thatfabricfeeling.wordpress.com said...

Sorry if I already left a comment but I couldn't find it here and don't recall. Too many quilting hours are going to my head. I love that you took the plunge and had a bite taken out of the gingerbread's head. i would have been afraid to cut off that portion of him but you raised the humor! Clever and so fun! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I'm kind of addicted to FQS...and can always find stuff to buy. elanagoldberg5@gmail.com

Sorcha girl said...

Merry Christmas!! I'm loving all the ideas for cookies. Dessert was assigned to me for the quilt guild party and I'm choosing to make gingerbread. Thanks for a chance in the giveaway. clara-chandler@att.net