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Showing posts with label 365 Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 365 Challenge. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Whole Lot to Catch Up On

Valentine's Day
is almost here.
That means the month is nearly half over so I've worked super hard this week to catch up
all the challenges and blocks I'm involved with so far this year.

But first, instead of throwing out old free motion quilting practice fabric and because you can never have too many, I recycled and made myself a little pincushion.

  The heart pins are regular straight pins with buttons glued on the heads with E6000.
A sew simple quick finish.

I finished up the  Project Quilting Season 7 Challenge 3 challenge with Swirling Thread.

Voting for favorites ends today.  Swirling Thread is #45.
Another challenge will be announced Sunday, then I won't be caught up anymore...lol

Do you keep track of your works in progress by organizing in some way?
I like to keep everything I'm working on for the year in a notebook.

This is the 365 Challlenge.
I am ALL caught up and have made a 3 1/2" block for everyday this year.

Tiny pieces galore!!

Another 2016 project is the

Each month features a different board game and I will have a super sweet quilty gift at the end of the year, just in time for Christmas.

February's block is Nine Men's Morris.
It is a new game for me and I will have to research it a little.

This month's technique was paper piecing and I'm linking up before the end of the month...WINNING!

started this month and I couldn't wait to use my Riley Blake fabric.

Join this Block of the Month for free patterns and lots of prizes!!!!
I'll be linking my blocks up before the last day of the month on this one too!!!

a little black and green from a fat quarter bundle of Riley Blake cotton solids.

I can't wait to share the blocks (another finish this week) I designed for this Block of the Month
but it will have to wait until May.  

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Catching Up

I've been playing catch up this week.

My checkerboard is finished just in time for the

There is only one more block for January in the 

(Just visited the link and the last block for January is posted)
Because she is in Australlia, I always feel like I'm ahead- I like that.

My Riley Blake fabric is ready.
a fat quarter bundle of Riley Blake cotton solids.

Be sure to join the Facebook Group to join the upcoming quilt along from 
February 2016 - January 2017


Voting for your favorite "seasons" quilt ends at 8 pm central time tonight.
Maybe you like #51?  ;)

Now, I'm ready for February.  Bring it on.
Spring is getting closer.

Friday, January 15, 2016

A Book Finish! Another Challenge Started.

I started Tula Pink's City Sampler book, "100 Modern Quilt Blocks," 
in November of 2014.  My plan was to make every block from scraps starting from block one and going in order to number one hundred.  

This is what the book looked like back then

and this is what it looks like now with every 6 1/2" block tucked in the pages.

Here are the last 36 blocks:

The blocks aren't together, but I think finishing 100 blocks deserves it's own celebration.

Here are the links to the first blocks:

It was so fun picking out fussy cuts from my scraps. 

One of my friends will certainly recognize this one.

Of course there's a cowboy.  Here in Dodge City you always need one.
Mixing a little vintage with modern for contrast.

Have you heard about the free 365 Challenge?
Everyday this year a new block is posted and at the end of the year you will have made 
The Ultimate Sampler.
The blocks start very simple which makes this challenge a great project for beginners.
The first 3 months will be all about black and grey for me.
I'm using this challenge to use up more scraps. 

100 Blocks and Pixelated Confetti only touched the surface of my scrap problem.

Don't forget to vote for your favorite Confetti quilt for Project Quilting.
Voting will close on Friday, January 15th at 8pm, CST


Be sure to join the Facebook Group to join the upcoming quilt along from 
February 2016 - January 2017

By joining you will know the latest news on all the sponsors, giveaways, and where to get the two free patterns every month.  There is no easier way to create a quilt than to join a block of the month group.  It's fun and you'll learn new techniques!