When asked if I would be interested in sewing some clothes from the NEW BOOK - My Doll My Style by talented designer Anna Allen - I said YES!
Of course, I made a hairstylist out of my doll with a super cute black lace outfit.
ThermOWeb is joining the celebration of the new book release
the Thermoweb design team will be showing some of the fashions you can sew from the book over the next few days.
The book has everything you need to know to sew trendy clothes for your 18″ doll. You will love the designs, the personal options, and the instructions.
I used my options to make a little hairstylist outfit and can't wait to make a few
more personal clothes for the doll.
Someday a little girl will enjoy this gma's effort.
Be sure to click over to Thermoweb to enter for a chance to win your very own copy of
My Doll, My Style
and check out my tips a tricks to making little clothes a little easier.