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Monday, October 5, 2015

EQ Seasons Quilt Show Day - Season S - More Giveaways!

Sadly, the EQ7: Seasons Row-Along is coming to a close.

Today is 
where we show off the projects we made with all these fun rows.

Season "S"

is a quilt with the seasons I love, spring and summer.

I spent the summer putting

  Season "S" 
using 9 of the over 25 rows
available in 
The following spring and summer rows were used in this quilt.

You don't have to have Electric Quilt to download all the free (for 1 more week) 
PDF patterns.

For the whole list of designers and patterns from the EQ7: Seasons Row-Along
 hop over to 
where you will see how Marian has organized this awesome quilting event.

If you do have EQ
want to put your own quilt together with the rows,
Electric Quilt will have the
available free for the next 30 days.
Click HERE for the library and a great tutorial about
Merging the rows into a quilt.

This is how the quilt looked in EQ7
this is the finished quilt top.

The blue background fabric is Northcott Toscana fabric # 9020-45.  
The white is also Northcott Toscana.
Northcott generously supplied this fabric!! 
The other fabrics are from my scrappy stash.

Quilt Size:  74" x 81.5"

Did you make a quilt or any of the rows?

October 6 – Show and Tell Day

Hobbs is giving one batting away at each of these blogs with quilts to show:

Marian Pena at Seams To Be Sew
Dorice Cotten Rice at The Quilting Queen Online 
Amy Warner at Sew Incredibly Crazy
Carla Henton at Creatin’ in the Sticks (You are Here)
Carol Swift at Just Let Me Quilt (She made the cutest baby quilt with my airplanes)

These blogs are showing projects and have giveaways too:

Jennifer Ofenstein at Sewhooked
Reeze Hanson at Morning Glory
Marlene Baerg Oddie at Kissed Quilts
Nancy Myers at Patchwork Breeze (She has a very cute quilt with an airplane :})
Darlene at Quiltshop Gal

To see more, join the Flickr and Facebook group.

This was another quilt I finished for the EQ7 Row-Along.

More about it HERE.

The EQ7: Seasons Row-Along has had very generous sponsors.
Be sure to check them all out
thank them for all of this support!!


Win your own EQ7.
to enter over at Electric Quilt.
Winner will be chosen at random. Contest closes Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 at 9am EST.

 is giving one of my readers a queen sized 90" x 108" Heirloom, premium cotton batting.
Giveaway ends October 13th and Winner announced October 14th, 2015.
I will email the randomly selected winner after the giveaway and will need your address
to mail this to you.

Northcott Fabrics

 is giving 1 lucky recipient, 6-8 pieces of fabric at 1 yard lengths each.

You may only enter once
 In other words, if you enter it here, do not enter it at the other featured blogs this week.
Value $60-80.00 

is giving away a cutting system!
Sign up until October 13th winner announced October 14th, 2015.

Craftsy and Nancy's Notions

Are you participating in the EQ7: Seasons Row-Along?

All you have to do is make one block or row from the Row-Along by October 13th!!

As An
  Incentive To Participate By Making Blocks and Rows 
 Craftsy is giving a Class
of your Choice!!
 3 individual winners
Value $40.00 based on average cost of Quilting classes, but the value goes up if you choose lets say a sewing class.
Nancy's Notions
 2 individual winners
 $10.00 gift certificate

When you add a unique block/row to the Flickr Group that you've created from any of the patterns offered each week, you will get one entry into the drawing.
You can enter at any blog featuring the Flickr giveaway once each day of this Row-A-Long until October 13, 2015 when the giveaway closes.
 Winners Announced October 14, 2015.
 Make a block, post it to the flicker group, and come back here and enter the giveaway.
If you enter both giveaways, you need 2 unique blocks per each day you enter
Duplicate Entries will be checked and if found you will be disqualified.
** Filler Rows Do Not Count. These too will be disqualified if entered. 

Visit Carla - Creatin's Craftsy Pattern Store »


JoyceLM said...

Love your quilt - thanks for sharing.

amy said...

Wonderful job on your quilt! Love it!

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

I love your Season S quilt. I so wanted to do just spring and summer as they are my favorites but opted for all of the seasons. Great job girlfriend!

Joyce Carter said...

I love your quilt, Carla.It does remind me of the "S" seasons. Very pretty. Thank you for sharing your row and your beautiful quilt.

BarbCarol said...

Sorry that I didn't have the time to join. But, loving all the quilts from those that did join.

Carol Swift said...

Love, love, love your quilts! So many cute rows and toes! :O)

Amy said...

Just screams S!! Love it. All the blue just makes it so spring/summer looking. Beautiful!

quilter said...

Very pretty, thanks for sharing!

FunThreads Designs said...

Love the bright colors.

Vicki H said...

Love your wonderful quilt. Great representation of both Spring and Summer.

Susan L. said...

Love your quilt! It's so colorful!

Anonymous said...

Lovely quilt! I like the way you tied it all together with that beautiful blue.

mumbird3 said...

Very nice quilt!!

Lorna McMahon said...

What a gorgeous finish, Carla! Love that blue background colour. Such a pretty quilt!

Anonymous said...


Donna W said...

What a fantastic giveaway and love the EQ tutorials.

teachpany said...

This has been a fun and inspiring and informative hop. Thanks!

Nancy said...

Your quilt is just so fun. The blue brightens it and brings cohesiveness. Nice job.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

I really like your Aloha quilt. Very clever. Karen

Rina Mason said...

Such a cute quilt! I've had more fun seeing all the quilts and am so glad I decided to follow the hop.

Quilting Tangent said...

Fun hop, like seeing all the rows. 24Tangent@gmail.com

Lisa England said...

Your quilt top is gorgeous!

JustPam said...

These Row alongs are wonderful!

Janarama said...

Love your row along quilt and your Aloha quilt is too darn cute with the toes. Very clever.

Marian said...

I love how your quilt turned out Carla. The colors are vibrant and bright, they all blend nicely together, the rows sing in harmony... Really beautiful top. I also love that project, using the feet about to step in the ocean with the plane flying over the top... it's just sew very cool.. the feet to me make that project soar.. :)

Needled Mom said...

That is so cute. I especially love the ants, flip flops and planes.

Jen Barnard said...

Your quilts are both wonderful, so bright and cheerful.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Susan Broughton said...

I really like the completed quilt you posted!

Anonymous said...

Love your pretty flowers and butterflies! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

OhioLori said...

Love your Quilt! this Hop has been soooo much fun...have seen Great Creativity!! Thanks for chance to win your give-a-way!

MoeWest said...

Your Spring and Summer quilt looks great! I like all of those rows.

Crafty Tokyo Mama said...

Your quilt turned out so pretty! Love the colors and designs.

Laurie W. said...

I love your quilt. Thank you for sharing your designs.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your quilt turned out great. I like your row that you designed!

Pamela said...

Your quilt is delightful! So fun and summery! I love the blue.

Anonymous said...

Such a fun quilt! And thank you for the giveaway

Seacoast Quilter said...

Love your quilt. Thanks for being part of this.

Rachel said...

I love your planes! Such a great design and so colorful!

lindawwww said...

This hop has been so much fun. All the rows are amazing!

lin.web.28 at gmail cot com

Vickie said...

Spring and summer are your favorite times of the year aren't they ! I can see why winter in Kansas isn't ! The cold winds that howl across the plains with nothing to stop them and no place to get away from them ! And the snow will be there soon enough..... (are you cold yet? LOL) The quilt exudes your personality Carla...it's cute as it can be, the pretty colors, the fun theme and you even have a flower garland that reminds me of your beautiful smile ! Excellent job you precious American Midwestern Woman !

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful quilt! Thanks for sharing!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Your quilt turned out so cute. Love the colors!

claire ross said...

What a fun quilt. Love it x

Deonn said...

Carla, I know I'm coming late to the party, but I just had to tell you how much I love your quilt, your row, and your alternate ALOHA sample quilt... you're the best - love seeing your imagination at work!