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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Blog Hop Announcement - Strings

We have had so much fun hopping!

It's like old times, like a reunion, seeing old friends and being blown away by the stitching.

We are trying to keep the blog hops simple and easy to participate
which makes it nice for everyone...
us included.

I can't believe how creative these blog hops have been 
 can't wait to see where everyone takes this one.

Today I am happy to announce the next stitching blog hop.

There are about 2 months to sew something and join in on the fun.  
It's another easy theme that should have you thinking of lots of things you could make.

Strings should be your inspiration.
Strings in quilting are generally strips that are 2 1/2" or narrower.
String quilts are named for the strips of fabric that are used to make a quilt.

Interpret it any way you like.

The blog hop rules:  
sorry, there has to be a little organization...

Sew something that includes "strings".
This is your interpretation of the theme. 

I'm not going to say you have to have a project that is 100% strings 
(Although these quilts are beautiful)  
Just include some "strings" somewhere.  

It's up to you!  Inspire us.

Post your project on your assigned day.

Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally optional!

Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment.

Are you in?

Send me an email with the following information:
Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL

I checked around the internet and there are a lot of ideas out there to get you started...


Carol Swift said...

You know I want to play...fun!

Danice G said...

Count me in. Planning a project especially for this.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love it! and love string quilts!!

Stitchin At Home said...

Sounds like fun! I'm in.

ShirleyC said...

I'm in! Sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

I would love to participate!

Leah said...

I'm in too. I love strings!

Carol Andrews said...

Count me in! Strings are becoming an addiction!

Carol said...

I'm in! I've been wanting to make a string something for quite some time. Just the impetus I need.

gin said...

Wonderful! I’m in.

Karrin Hurd said...

I’d like to be included, I’ve sent an email

Unknown said...

I would like to join in!

Jocelyn said...

I've been stringing and I'd like to play.

Nancy said...

I’d like to join

Edgar C. Jones said...

Great article, I appreciate your article. My Page

beaquilter said...

How fun!