**Posts contain affiliate links and I will be compensated at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sun, Sand, and Sea BOM - Block #10 - Tips for a Successful Wave

Today the tenth block of the 
Sun, Sand, and Sea Block of the Month is revealed
Amy over at Sew Incredibly Crazy
has the link to her pattern to share.

This block is completely pieced and finishes 12" x 36".
You will find the link to download the pattern HERE.

I have a few tips to pass along while you put this month's block together.

Tips for sewing Block #10

#1  Use very accurate 1/4" seams or (like I did) scant 1/4" seams.

#2  After cutting triangles for A, B, and C press them in half to form a center line for future 

#3  Use the center line that was pressed to place the triangle in the center of each side.  Either fold the block in half  and crease or use the center seams for placement of the triangles.

#4  Pin the triangles in place before stitching.

#5  Trim the dog ears as you go to avoid excess bulk.

With these tips you will successfully have a wave of a good time!

Thanks to 
I'm stitching my blocks for this quilt with
American Made Brand solid fabrics.
The colors are so vibrant and nice to stitch with!
Perfect for the beach.

The Sun, Sand, and Sea Block of the Month is
Hosted by Amy over at 

Here are the rest of the blocks.

Amy designed the first block, "Hello Sunshine"
Block #1 - February
You can find Amy's blog post HERE and the pattern HERE.

Carol over at Just Let Me Quilt designed the second block, "Sun, Surf, and Sea."
Block #2 - March
You can find Carol's blog post HERE and the pattern HERE.

My design for the third block is called "Sun Birds."
Block #3 - April
You can find my blog post here and the pattern here

Joan over at MooseStash Quilting designed the forth block, "Grab Your Shovel"
Block #4 - May
You can find Joan's blog post HERE for the link to the pattern.

Carol over at Just Let Me Quilt designed the fifth block, "A Day at the Beach."
Block #5 - June
You can find Carol's blog post HERE and the pattern HERE.

My design for the sixth block, "School of Fish" is the border for block #5.
Block #6 - July
You can find the post Here and the pattern Here.

Amy designed the seventh block, "Mr. Crabby"
Block #7 - August
You can find Amy's blog post HERE and the pattern HERE.

Carol over at Just Let Me Quilt designed the eighth block, "Beach Boy Freddie."
Block #8 - September
You can find Carol's blog post HERE and the pattern HERE.

Amy designed the ninth block, "Bathing Beauty"
Block #9 - October
You can find Amy's blog post HERE and the pattern HERE.

It's not too late to join the fun.  
There are 3 more months of blocks and the past blocks are available, just click the links above to get started.
We gather on Facebook to share
our blocks and visit with other
participants about this quilt
and there is a link up every month with prizes!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Identity Thief Halloween Costume - Now That's Scary

 I have to admit, some of my favorite Halloween costumes are the funny pun ones. 
 The ones like
 “cereal killer” with bloody cereal boxes 
the “Spice Girls” with the spice labels.  
They are simple and fun.
Want to make a quick Halloween costume that is funny and scary at the same time?
  HeatnBond Inkjet Transfer Sheets come to the rescue.

Identity Thief Halloween Costume

All my favorite characters from "The Walking Dead" 
 my model (Hubby) 
has stolen their identities
with name tags.

Find the full tutorial and printable over on the Thermoweb Blog.

You will find a lot of great costume ideas over there too!

Just hope you never come across this guy....

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Enter If You Dare - Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Quilt and giveaway

Welcome to Creatin' in the Sticks.

Enter If You Dare.....

Today,  here in the Sticks, we are thrilled to welcome visitors from the
Enter If You Dare Blog Hop!

Marian from Seams to be Sew was so kind to invite us all to share
a little Halloween happiness.

I invite you to celebrate 
Day of the Dead
with a sweet sugar skull quilt.

One of the most popular tutorials here in the sticks is the

This year I decided to go bigger and better
and make a quilt.

I call this technique collage applique, but someone told me it's called broderie perse.
I'm pretty sure this isn't what the early quilters had in mind for broderie perse....
Although it is a lot of flowers.

I keep a box of Heat N Bond Lite backed floral goodness always ready for cutting
because I love this technique so much.

The quilting is free motion flowers in the black and a little meandering on the applique.
I used Aurifil 50 wt  thread in black - 4241 for the background 
my favorite "go to" Aurifil light grey - 2600 for the sugar skull.

There are all kinds of little critters hiding among the flowers.

He just makes me smile.  

To make you smile, I'm sharing my drawing with you.
Just right click this picture and save it.
Enlarge it to any size you want.

Then click here for the full tutorial to make your own Sugar Skull.

Want some more Halloween stitching ideas?

Here is the complete spooky schedule:

Wednesday, Oct 18

Thursday, Oct 19

Friday, Oct 20

Monday, Oct 23

Tuesday, Oct 24

Thanks for visiting 
 have a Happy
Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)!

The Fat Quarter Shop and Timeless Treasurers are the wonderful sponsors

for this hop!

Here are some sweet treats from them:

A chance to win a 
$75.00 gift certificate
Fat Quarter Shop.

A chance to win this
fat quarter bundle
Timeless Treasures.
There is a shipping cost for the bundle, it will all ship Priority mail at a cost of $7.19
Shipping Rate is for USA/Canada
International Rates will apply otherwise.

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Christmas Carol Row Along - Quilt Reveal Day - Santa Land and Giveaway

Sadly, the Christmas Carol Row-Along is coming to a close.

Today is 
where we show off the projects we made with all these fun rows.
There were over 40 rows!

This was the row I introduced in the beginning of the Row Along
which became a 9" x 30" table runner.

Next I used my row to make three 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" blocks by using background fabric and placing the applique pieces accordingly.

For the appliques, I used my favorite fabric iron on adhesive,

I needed one more block for my quilt layout, 
so I designed another Santa to go with the others.
The Cowboy Santa block is also 9 1/2" x 9 1/2".

The original plan was to make a quilt with these 9 1/2"  blocks in the middle
and 4 other rows around them,

I had all of these super cute fabrics from

(I loved these fabrics so much for my row, I ordered even more to make this quilt).

Here is the layout I used with finished block measurements.
The quilt is 60" x 60" finished.

The design works perfect for 4 rows,
a huge block in the center, 
a 9" border with corner blocks (the santa blocks from above).

To achieve the big center block, I enlarged the row pieces from the
by 200% 
chose different pieces from each santa to make the block on an 18" background.

Will the Real Santa Please Stand Up? big quilt block.

Then I chose 4 rows with a Santa theme for the quilt.

Thank you to the following designers for these fun quilt rows:
(links are provided by clicking on the blog names)

Dominick the Donkey

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas

Up on a Rooftop

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

If, like me, you didn't get to visit or make all of the rows you wanted from 
The Christmas Carol Row Along
 hop over to 
where you will see the whole list of designers
 and how
has organized this awesome quilting event.

Santa Land!

It's such a fun 60" x 60" throw size  with quilted music notes and meandering swirls..

And all that happy Northcott fabric in the border.

I pieced in the fabric panel 
to make the back super cute too.

Christmas table runner - check
Christmas quilt - check
What should I make next?

I'll bet there are some great ideas  from the 
other bloggers sharing today:

Don't forget about the giveaway below!

Thanks for visiting
Merry Christmas!

Our sponsors have been so generous this year!
ENJOY these last giveaways here and at the other blogs today.

Hurry to enter for a chance to win
this "TOO CUTE"
Babies Pattern
Value 19.00 
It ends tomorrow....

Shipping Is Anywhere / Shipping Cost must be paid by winner. 
Cost To Ship In USA $4.43
For the complete schedule and giveaway rules, click here for Seams to be Sew.

Shipping Is USA only.  Ends tomorrow.
For the complete schedule and giveaway rules, click here for Seams to be Sew.