Welcome to Creatin' in the Sticks
The Christmas Caroling Row Along.
It's been crazy making Christmas during the summer
but if you want to have a quilt finished by December it is a must.
This row was inspired by a childhood memory that may not be quite right, but I chose to go with it.
"Will the Real Santa Please Stand Up?" was a song my grade school class performed during a Christmas program at school. When Marian from Seams to be Sew asked for designers to create quilt rows inspired by Christmas carols or poems I thought I knew exactly what I would do. That song sprang to life in my memory bank.
What do you do when you want more information about something?
Well, I found nothing. There is a similar skit and a lot of Youtube videos of children performing a skit and song, but it's nothing like the performance of "Will the Real Santa Please Stand Up?" in my memory. My memory is only a song with lots of different descriptions of Santa and a "Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho" and "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha" every once in awhile. I even have the sheet music filed away in my mind with a picture on the front of Santas of every size and color.

This is my version of

The row finished is 9" x 30"
Special thanks for products used in this row goes to:

Thermoweb has been super generous and is offering a gift card to my readers.
This giveaway will start tomorrow
along with another bonus for my readers.
We will call it FRF - faithful readers Friday.
Watch Creatin' in the Sticks on Facebook for this awesome giveaway!

Northcott Fabrics
Best Tree on the Lot - by Ingrid Slyder of Nutshell Designs
(I loved the fabrics so much, I ordered even more to make a quilt)
More thanks to
Marian at Seams to be Sew for hosting this event.
She has more information for giveaways and rules for all the giveaways on her blog.
Just click HERE.
I quilted and added binding (Northcott Fabric) to the row to make the perfect table runner.
You see them everywhere.
Tall, skinny, short, or fat which one is the real Santa?
Can't a Santa be a hippie or live on a beach?
Will the Real Santa Please Stand Up?
See all of the rows of the day:
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Creatin’ in the Sticks (you are here)
I've been putting together a quilt with some of the featured rows
The Christmas Carol Row Along
Northcott Fabrics'
Best Tree on the Lot - by Ingrid Slyder of Nutshell Designs
One of these guys is new, can you spot the different one?
I'll have him ready for download soon {(wink) bonus day???}
I will have the quilt ready to show on
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Show and Tell Day!
Want the whole schedule of
The Christmas Carol Row Along?
Click HERE.
Thanks for stopping by. See you soon!
The Christmas Carol Row Along
Northcott Fabrics'
Best Tree on the Lot - by Ingrid Slyder of Nutshell Designs
One of these guys is new, can you spot the different one?
I'll have him ready for download soon {(wink) bonus day???}
I will have the quilt ready to show on
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Show and Tell Day!
Want the whole schedule of
The Christmas Carol Row Along?
Click HERE.
Thanks for stopping by. See you soon!
Don't forget to enter
today's giveaways
from some fabulous sponsors!
from some fabulous sponsors!
One of these15 Fat Quarters Bundles
from the
A $45.00 value giveaway by
This is just too cute. I really like this one a lot!
Such a cute cute row, and I am so happy you joined us for this Row Along this year Carla... I know which the extra block is, I wonder how many others will figure it out also. Looking forward to seeing the whole quilt.
This is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!
The talent you all have! Such cute Santa's.
I've never heard of the song but your row is really cute! Thanks!
Your row is so clever and well done! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished quilt!
Adorable! Blessings, Marlene
Such a cute row! Love the Santa "impersonators".
Carla, your row is as cute as can be. I really love it. Thank you so much for sharing and for the pattern.
Love this!
Very cute row. Love all the different Santas.
Love your row.
What a cute row!
Your Santas are darling. Very talented use of colors!!
This looks like so much fun to do
Santa and Santa and Santa.... I can't tell which one is real.
Beautiful, Carla! Looking forward to your quilt. Thank you for (all) the lovely free pattern(s) ... you are sew talented and sew generous ... love the cowboy hat ... :-) Pat
Oh man, those striped chairs are the best! And I love the Christmas light fabric for the trees, I'm going to have to get me some of that fabric. Looking forward to the show and tell!
Such a cute Santa row, thank you!
That is a darling row. I've never heard the song before. I will have to check it out.
Love this! Thank you for the pattern....
I love all your Santas... especially the Hawaiian Santa! And I think I see a cowboy Santa peeking out in that one photo.
Very cute row! I love Santas!
Love the guitar playing Santa!
fun row, I don't know this song....great giveaways
Very cute row! Santa looks like he has a lot of fun, whether he is the "real" Santa or just someone dressed to look like him...
I love your vacation santa.
Oh Carla, you have hit it out of the ball park once again. These guys are just too darn cute!
this is so cute!!
These are just too cute for words! Great idea!
Love it! Especially the beach Santa, that made me laugh. That's Santa on December 26th, right? Haha
What a cute wallhanging. Thanks so much for sharing and the chance at the great giveaway!
This is adorable - I can't believe you are giving it away for free - this is just so generous! Thanks for sharing!!!
This is a really fun row. Thank you for sharing and thank you to the sponsors of the giveaway.
Darling row just love it
Your Santas are so cute, thanks!
Super Cute Santas! Love your row! Thanks!
Love this row, it is too cute! Thanks!
Your row is adorable! I'm enjoying this Blog hop as you designers are so creative. Thanks for sharing.
I love your Santa's. Thanks for sharing
This is a cute pattern! Thanks for sharing,
I've never heard of that song, but it makes a cute row! Thanks
This one is just too cute!
Thanks for this pattern! This row is so cute! I would use it on Boxing Day, when Santa starts his vacation. It would also be great for Christmas in July.
I love your fun song and block!
This one is a really fun row.
I have never heard of this song. Cute row though.
Very cute tytyty for sharing our idea. happyness04431@yahoo.com
This is soo cute. It reminds me of the 70's. Thanks for sharing
I spy a cowboy !!! Merry Christmas ;)
Your Santas are so cute! Thanks for the free pattern!
Cute Santas! Must make one.
Just love your Santa row. Thanks for the lovely row. raydeer@memlane.com
Having grown up by the beach, I love your surfer Santa. At least that is my SoCal interpretation. Thanks for sharing!
I think Santa is having too much fun laying in the sun to stand up and admit that he's the "real" guy! Your row is adorable!
That's a fun memory, and very cute display of vacationing Santas. Love it!
What a great row! I haven't heard the song, but the row says it all. Thanks for all these lovely chances to win, and for creating this great row. dezertsuz at gmail
I like your different Santas--I'd want to relax in the sun after all that Christmas work too!! :) Thanks for sharing!
This is such a cute row!!! Love all the different sides of Santa!!
Those colors sure are pretty. Cute row! I think I've heard of that song/play. At least it sounds familiar and with all the kids I've had, one of them was sure to have sung it. Karen
Carla, I love your row!
We spied the real Santa one summer. We were in an airport and waiting for a connecting flight that had been delayed. Our boys were small (3 and 5 maybe.) Among all of the people walking by, the gentleman with the long, curly, silvery-white beard definitely stood out. He had a red Hawaiian shirt on, shorts, and open toed sandals. Spying the look of wonder on my youngest's face, he approached us and shook my youngest's hand, winked at my oldest son and continued on his way with a twinkle in his eye.
LOve it. This is my favorite row.
Your row is awesome. I will definitely make this one, as a table runner if I don't make a quilt.
What a fun row!
Very cute, thanks for pattern
Those Santa's are adorable and your quilting is beyond beautiful!
Oh so adorable Santa's I like how you did your pretty quilting..They look so fun and happy..Gave me a giggle with the cuteness.Thank you..
Oh, I love your row. Nicely done. thanks for sharing
There's a traditional Santa, a rockin' Santa, and a tropical Santa ... too freakin' cute!
Great row thanks for sharing! Thanks to the great sponsors also!
I agree with everyone else--the Santas are great!
I love the fabric Hoffman fabrics too!
I'm lovin the Hawaiian santa...mele kalikimaka!!
Can't wait to start playing with fabrics for this one!
Great row, santa is having fun
So creative!
So cute that you have such a great memory of a song that you sang as a child. Doesn't matter that we don't know the song, it meant a lot to you, so it's great that it influenced for design for the row a long.
What a fun whimsical row this is. Thank you for sharing it.
Really cute block. Would match my Santa collection!
Your design Made me giggle! THank you so much for good cheer of the day!
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