
Sunday, December 15, 2019

December Progress

Does this ever happen to you?

I've been stitching on the Island Batik Ambassador challenge for this month,

I love these sorts of quilts and have been taking progress pictures as I go.
This morning I was ready to start putting the top together when I saw that one of the half square triangles was going the wrong direction.

I went back and looked at the pictures and, sure enough, there it is in the pictures I took several days ago. 

 I've even shown the pictures to others (hubby) and no one noticed.

I'm so glad I noticed before the quilt went together.
I would have been heartbroken.

The rest of the day just felt "off" after this discovery and I was afraid I might do something like that again.

So I just made more half square triangles with the Accuquilt Go!
called it a day.

I missed blogging yesterday for the
 I'm about too late for today (Sunday).

But my Christmas shopping is done and the rest of the month looks to be smooth sailing.

If I can get my stitching mojo right...


  1. I didn't notice it at first, but it would have been so sad for you not to catch it now. I've had days where that ripper is very busy and it does put a damper on the sewing mojo for sure! It's going to be an amazing quilt once you're finished!

  2. Been there, done that. Much better to find it now than it would be after the quilt is finished though!

  3. I hate when that happens, but so glad when I catch it before it is quilted!!!

  4. WOW! you sure nailed the 3-D challenge with those fabrics.
    The whites ... all the same? or is there a slight colour difference too?
    Glad you caught the OOPS ... so easily done and so easily missed.
    Thank goodness your sharp eyes :) got in gear before :(

  5. Today must be the oops day posts. Someone made an alphabet quilt and their Z was backwards. Glad you caught it and it was a simple fix. I hate those days when I plan to sew and nothings seems to go right. Very pretty quilt.

  6. I think taking a picture and showing it to others before a quilt is put together is the best way to catch those kinds of problems!! We know what it is supposed to look like and our brain fixes the turned block; our families don't really know what to look for, they just see pretty; but you put it on your blog and I guarantee another quilter is going to catch that turned block!!! This is going to be a beautiful quilt!

  7. Yeessss!! Today has been one of those days for me! Jackie the Ripper has been VERY busy today!! Glad you caught it before you stitched rows together - not just once - but two times (like someone I know did!)LOL

  8. Seems like photos are the best way to find mistakes. It’s a beautiful project!


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!