
Monday, December 16, 2019

Color It Red Blog Hop - I'm In

just announced sign-ups for our newest blog hop.

What is a blog hop?

It's like a "show and tell" online.
Our blog hops feature sewing and quilting and are like joining a quilt guild without leaving home.  Once the theme (challenge) is presented we set to work sewing.
We inspire each other with projects, tutorials, or patterns.

You don't necessarily need a blog to join in.  
We can host your project.

Get all the details about the hop
and how to sign up over at Carol's blog:

I have just signed up and can't wait to show a little red in February.


  1. Red is not a color I have much of in my stash anywhere!! I'll be looking to hop around in February though!!

  2. I think I signed up for Blue in January, but I don't find a message from you, so maybe I only thought about it? I want to be signed up on (I bought the domain, so the address has changed! The old one is still going to work, though.) Thanks.


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!