
Friday, March 1, 2019

A Time For All Seasons - March Blocks

Today is the first day of March
and time for new blocks 
Block of the Month.

Our team of designers is so excited about this new 
Block of the Month
love showing new blocks each month.

We have 2 new blocks for March!

End of the Rainbow


A Wee Bit of Luck

Carol at Just Let Me Quilt 
designed this month's blocks.

Aren't they the cutest?

Find Carol's pattern information by clicking HERE.

You can find a list of the fabric requirements and more information about the
Block of the Month
by clicking HERE.

I love printing the applique patterns right on the fusible adhesive with
(no tracing!)

I'm stitching around my appliques with

It's a nice neutral color for all the pieces and the thread is awesome.

Join us for this fun Block of the Month. 
 There are over 3000 friends on the Facebook group and we are having a blast.
Everyone is so encouraging.

Come have some fun with us.


  1. Those are wonderful. Very cute for March..

  2. The End of the Rainbow block would be an AWESOME stand-alone mini quilt!!


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!