
Friday, February 22, 2019

A-Moozing - Project Quilting Season 10, Challenge 4

This is the fourth challenge of Season 10 
Project Quilting.

I'm excited to join in this challenge, "Pixel Play"

My entry:



Kim announces a challenge and you have one week to create something quilty.
Prizes can be won and it's a great way to meet new blogging friends.

The rules:

  1. Be inspired by digital pixelization.
  2. Projects need to be created during the week of the challenge (started on or after February 17, finished by February 24).
  3. Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these three requirements: include patchwork, include appliqué, have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.
  4. Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline.
  5. Link up by Sunday, February 24 at noon CST 

The challenge is something I've always been interested in and have made a few quilts using various techniques to create pixeled looks.

I have been involved in two blog hops (at the same time)
 and had a challenge for 
Island Batik this week.
All while trying to recover from surgery.
(I planned ahead, but my social media has been lacking - sorry)

So this was my chance to go small, and I mean small.

After all, it's been "mini" week here in the Sticks- this is #4.

marked a 3/4" grid on the non-fusible side of HeatnBond lightweight interfacing with a sharpie marker, cut out fabric in 3/4" squares, and made my design.  
Next, I laid out the fabrics on the fusible side, bonded them, and then started stitching 1/4" seams.  The interfacing helps to keep everything in place.
The seams have to be trimmed to 1/8" to reduce the bulk.


Project Quilting Season 10, Challenge 4 - Pixel Play
Made by Carla in Dodge City, Kansas
Size: 4" x 4 1/2"
Interfacing piecing 1/4" finished squares - the smallest quilt for me 
free motion quilting with Aurifil 50 wt in pixels

You can see all the other challenge projects and vote for your favorites starting at noon central on
February 10th
by clicking 
This one is #25
Ha, I've never been that early in the numbering!

Have a great weekend!
It's supposed to blizzard here tomorrow.
How A-Moozing!

I guess it'll be winter here til the cows come home...


  1. Wow, Carla, I am sew totally impressed. Amoozing is amazing! You had a great idea and did great work! Hope your recovery is going well!

  2. What an a-moozing project. I really love it.

  3. Cool little project! Amazing what we can capture in just a few pixels.

  4. Sooo cute! Sew Tiny... but so cute!! nice Carla.

  5. Carla, it’s so sweet! Thanks for telling us how you made it, I must make notes and try this some time!
    Good luck!
    Barbara x

  6. That is really fabulous. Great project!

  7. This is so cool! i just learned about this grid method today - brilliant!


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!