
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hexipop Swirl, My day in the "Be a Hexie Queen Blog Hop"

Today is my day to participate in "Be a Hexie Queen Blog Hop."  There has been great anticipation for this day.  Not only to show what I've completed, but to complete it.  It  has been a non-stop hexifest here at the cabin.

Welcome to my blog and thank you to Madame Samm and Debby for making this blog hop happen. You are both incredible cheerleaders.  Thank you to our sponsor Connecting Threads.

With out further ado, I present Hexipop Swirl.  

Hexipop Swirl hanging out at the castle.

This 70 inches of wonderful hexiness is made of 331 English Paper Pieces.  I hand pieced every one and have the scars to prove it.  (See previous post)  lol.

I foundation paper pieced the center and worked out from there.

This is how the pattern came about - colored pencils and hexie graph paper from Printable Paper.  I decided to make the quilt hexigon shaped for some fun, but I was thinking of those great big lollipops when I was creating the pattern.

We have a little park here in Dodge City with fairy tale play things which include Cinderella's coach and a castle.  Since we are princesses and queens  in the hop I thought I'd do a photo shoot there.

I pieced the back to make it as colorful as the front.  Those 60 degree triangles almost threw me for a loop, but with help from hubby and his calculator, it worked out perfectly.  My binding is pieced to match each side.

I quilted using one of the decorative stitches from my machine.  It really worked well with the walking foot.  I swirled from the center to the outer edges.  (That's not real clear, is it?) If you click on the pictures, you will see a larger picture which shows the details.

Wait, that's not all, believe it or not.  I managed one more hexie project, but this one is ALL by machine.  giggle, giggle.  This picture shows the vibrancy of the colors on the quilt.

This quilt is a gift to my niece, Maylie, so I made her a 12 x 22 inch pillow to match.    The flower petals are two sided and made to flap around. 

Maylie had her very first day of school this week and I bet she'll be ready to snuggle with her new quilt for a nap.  She will love the bright colors and she is so stylish that a Hexie quilt is perfect for her. (Yep, I'm a proud aunt)

Thank you for stopping by.  Please visit the other Hexie Princesses that are posting today.

Day 6: Tuesday, August 27
Creatin’ in the Sticks (you are here)

I love Hexies and plan on making many more hexilicious projects soon. 
Linking up with Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Norma Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts.
Happy Birthday to my sweet daughter.  I love you! 


  1. WOW, Carla, this is a stunner! I love everything - the hexies, the swirly pattern, the back, the binding, the quilting ... you're so talented!

  2. That is a wonderful world of swirly in your quilt! Maylie is a lucky (and very cute) girl! I loved seeing the back. Backing is (one of my) pit falls.... It is always crooked. So I am in awe! Happy birthday to your daughter, hope she has a fabulous day!

  3. I love this quilt, how fun with the swirl. That's pretty much work in this, I really know that. Congratulations on finishing it for this blog hop!

  4. Lovely, such hard work and all of extra's make it fantastic, matching the binding and the 60 degree triangles, and the photo shoot, fantastic.

  5. You have made an amazing hand work with the beautiful quilt in brigght and bold colors. Thanks for sharing your creativity and being part of this bloghop

  6. A stunning quilt - I love it! and I'm sure Maylie will too!
    Thank you for sharing!

  7. A very clever arrangement. You did a wonderful job!

  8. Outstanding! This is so pretty and so creative! Beautiful work!

  9. Love your quilt - both front & back - thanks for sharing.

  10. What a happy, bright quilt! I like the back just as much as the front... nice job!

  11. Gorgeous quilt! I really love the back too. Congrats on being most creative today!

  12. Wow what a beautiful quilt. I love the colors.

  13. What a beautiful quilt! :) Great job!

  14. Outstanding! So lovely and creative! I'm glad you shared the back too. What a lucky girl Maylie is!

  15. Wow...just wow! That is an amazing piece of hexie art. Love it!

  16. So, so cute! And your little one is adorable. :) blessings, marlene

  17. wow ! Stunning quilt ! Front and Back and the multicolored binding is awesome !

  18. That is an incredibly colourful quilt!! Wow!! Beautiful piece!!

  19. wow! love the swirl hexie quilt. could make a person dizzy though.

  20. FABULOUS!!!! Love everything about it!

  21. Gorgeous!!! (I can relate with the sore fingers since I do mainly applique, but just look at the beauty you have to show for it!)

  22. Wellllll, your hexie queen title suits you to a T...with your own castle by the looks of it...great it

  23. What a great idea! My mouth is watering for that lollipop!!! :-)

  24. Wow what a great swirl of hexies. Love the photo shoot too.

  25. Very pretty ! wonderful photos !

  26. Wow, what a beautiful quilt and a lot of hexies!!

  27. Gorgeousness Carla! the photos too!

  28. Love your quilt and pillow. So colorful and full of life.

  29. I love love this quilt. I love the back almost as much as the front.And the matching pillow is adorable. I am sure Maylie loves it! And Happy Birthday to your daughter.
    xo jan

  30. Now that is just to best! I absolutely love it. Glad you got that backing figured out. If it came to math, I would be sunk! LOL! What a fun park to take photos of in also. I'd say it was a perfect match!

  31. What a great way to make a hexie quilt. I love it. Thank you for sharing.

  32. Oh my!!! LOVE your quilt!!!!
    You really had to follow your drawing:) Great job!!!

  33. That is amazing! Beautiful work.

    Happy birthday to your daughter.

  34. Your quilt is gorgeous. I love that you how you made the center with pie slices. It is truly just beautiful. What fun that must have been. Maylie is a cutie too!

    bevwalks at aol dot com

  35. What a cutie your niece is...and so lucky to get a beautiful quilt and pillow from you! Your quilt is so unique and I, too, thought of those suckers when looking at it! Thanks for sharing with us.

  36. This is a stunning quilt and I just love the bright colors. I'm sure your niece will love it.

  37. Oh how sweet!!! Maylie sure is a cutie - the quilt and pillow seem a perfect match for her :*) Congrats on the Creativity crown!

  38. That's one amazing hexie quilt. Beautiful. It looks like lots of planning too. Neat colors.

  39. That is a very stunning quilt, your wee niece will really love having it to cuddle under and the pillow is adorable.

  40. That's an amazinq quilt Carla! I love how you've use the colors that match eac of the swirls to bind it. The backing matches perfectly! Maylie sure is a lucky girl. The pillow you made for her is just adorable. Thank you for sharing your creations with us!

  41. Wow Wee! That is awesome, and a pillow too? Excellent!

  42. Wow this is wonderful and so unique....I just love is bright and happy and perfect for the little darling at the bottom of your post. Nice job on the pillow also..

  43. Just the greatet swirly quilt. I can't imagine planning my quilts (as you did). But it paid off for you and the end result is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing your process and all the photos.

  44. Really beautiful and so clever. Well done,

  45. Wow! That quilt is all kinds of awesome!!!! You rock!!

  46. First, congrats on being the most creative on the day - well deserved. One girl is very lucky to have an adoring aunt. I can tell from her picture that she is thrilled to be in school and what a great way to help her celebrate her big step. The quilt is absolutely beautiful. She certainly has an heirloom. You are very clever and creative. I know you have the scars to proof it. Thanks for participating and sharing and I hope to see you in more hops soon - without scars next time.

  47. Wow, what a fabulous quilt and pillow. Such a happy quilt with all the bright colors. Your niece is going to love it.

  48. Absolutely stunning. It's truely art. I'm sure your niece will love it. Also loved the photo background, perfect.

  49. That is one awesome quilt. Love your colours and the design. Yep, I can see a giant lollypop!

  50. Your hexie project is stunning. Love the park pictures and the cute matching pillow. She must have loved having her name on it.

  51. I love your setting for the genius! But your quilt is definitely the star...I mean swirl. LOL Thanks for sharing!

  52. Lucky Maylie to get the lollipop quilt and a personalized pillow. What a good auntie you are. Well done!

  53. Bright, bold and beautiful! Maylie is a lucky girl to have such a talented and generous aunt. Great photos! Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  54. Very cute quilt. Love the matching pillow.

  55. Very creative! I especially love the way you photographed the quilts. Thanks for sharing

  56. Wow this is fabulous - love the colours you have used and I also the photoshoot setting!

  57. That's a huge hexipop swirl. I love it! Thank you for sharing.

  58. Wow, love your quilt and pillow. You've done such a great job. I would love to try one myself. Thanks for sharing.

  59. Beautiful! Love your quilt and pillow! (and happy birthday to your daughter!) :)

  60. I love the back side! So cool.

  61. OMG! What fun projects and pictures. You really raise the bar. I enjoyed your post immensely!

  62. Carla, this is awesome. What a work of art!

  63. Love your quilt! And the back is JUST as pretty as the front!!!

  64. Stunning! Congrats on being one of the chosen.

  65. Oh my, your swirl hexie is fantastic!

  66. Hiya Carla!!! Maylie is one lucky little girl (and yes, she is very stylish). That quilt and pillow are adorable. The swirl design is so cool. Thanks for sharing. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam

    pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  67. Great spiral quilt and clever use of jewels to get the center perfect. Maylie will love it!

  68. Holy cow, that is just amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  69. Amazing swirly hexie quilt! Wow.

  70. How fabulously creative you are!!! I think that's really cool that you made it into a hexagon shape. I do wonder how you had time to do all that handwork; amazing! Your niece is going to love both of her wonderful gifts.

  71. Oh my goodness, it is fantastic!!! I love the colors. I am sure your niece took a great nap under all of that hexie goodness. The pillow is a wonderful touch!!

  72. Love that swirling hexie quilt! It's fabulous - love the back too and the purse. Thanks for your eye candy at Hexie Friday.

  73. What a fantastic and fun pattern! A really cool quilt!

  74. Lucky Maylie, she will love this stunning quilt and the pillow ist great too. I wish Maylie a lucky time at school.
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures too.

  75. Wow, what an amazing quilt, Carla! love it! Whoop whoop!!


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!