
Monday, August 19, 2013

Sewing with Band Aids

I know I haven't posted much lately, but I HAVE been sewing.  See...

Tomorrow is the beginning of the "Be a Hexie Queen Blog Hop" and my day is August 27th. 

I'm pretty sure a Hexie Queen wouldn't have fingers that look like this, so maybe I'm not the queen.  I'm sure having fun, though.  I just love playing with cardboard and fabric. 

Here's the complete schedule for the hop:

Day 1: Tuesday, August 20

Debby Kratovil Quilts

Day 2: Wednesday, August 21


Day 3: Thursday, August 22

Words and Stitches

Day 4: Friday, August 23

Sew Peace to Peace
Moneik Quilts

Day 5: Monday, August 26

Nunu’s Quilt World

Day 6: Tuesday, August 27

Thank you to Madame Samm and Debby for making this blog hop happen.  Be sure and come back on Tuesday, August 27th (my daughter's birthday) to see what I've been up to.  I wish I could show my quilt, but it has to be a surprise...

They say the weather is going to return to a heat wave, but we've been loving the cooler, RAINY weather.  Yes, I said rain.  It sure makes it easier to sew up a storm when the sky is nice and overcast.

Loving the green around here,



  1. Great, you have the same day as me. Looking forward to every day now. Hope to find tons of inspiration.

  2. My day is the first day. Don't feel bad, my fingers were in the same shape! I am glad that I was not the only one who sews with bandaids on! ;).

  3. Sounds like a fun blog hop! I haven't jumped on the hexie train yet, but it sure looks tempting!

  4. That's a lot of hexies! Looking forward to seeing your project

  5. Brilliant! At least I'll know what to do if I (ever) pick my Hexies up again! I'll keep watching your progress :)


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!