
Friday, August 30, 2013

Call before you come over

I was singing, "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day" and then I started looking around and realized my house has hexitis.  You know, that thing that happens when a hexagon quilt has to be finished and nothing else gets done.  In my case, it was the Hexipop Swirl quilt for the Be A Hexie Queen Blog Hop that caused this disaster.


Guess I better take care of a few things before I do what I really want:

My friend Nina at Quilts, Life and Balance has been making blocks for The Big Blowout Block Drive over at Alycia Quilts and I want to join in.  The blocks are for Quilts of Valor

Hoping I can make a few blocks today after the big tidy up.

Happy Weekend,


  1. I've been tidying up today also, after hexies all over. Now I've started with an Aurifil block. Have to finish it before this month ends.

  2. Now I definitely don't feel so bad about my messy sewing room ; D

  3. Thanks for spreading the word about blocks for Quilts of Valor. My sewing room seems to always be in a bit of a mess. Just means something is happening there!

  4. Too funny! I'm not sure I could even show mine : )


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!