
Thursday, December 10, 2020

My Stitching Resolution Blog Hop - Sign Ups

We have all had our share of challenges in 2020.
  Honestly, this year has left me uninspired and exhausted. 
 I'm looking for my quilting friends' help.

It's time to start a new year with inspiration and love.  
Our little quilting community is a great place to learn and share friendship.

I have put a blog hop together that is totally different than what I've done before.

What is a blog hop?

It's like a "show and tell" online.
Our blog hops feature sewing and quilting and are like joining a quilt guild without leaving home.  Once the theme (challenge) is presented we set to work sewing.
We inspire each other with projects, tutorials, or patterns.
But, we won't be sewing for this quick hop!

The Challege:

This hop doesn't require stitching, it's all about your stitching plan for the new year.  Let's share new ideas and inspiration.  All you have to do is finish this statement in a blog post:

My stitching resolution for 2021 is _____________________________.

Maybe you have a new block of the month you are joining, a quilt you want to make, a ufo to finish, a new skill to conquer, or you want to be a better stitching blogger.  Anything will do.  Of course, if you have pictures, buttons, or diagrams to share, please do!

Let's share and grow!

We promise not to police you through the year to make sure you are doing it.  This year has taught us all that we need to be flexible and change plans if needed.

This is a 1-day hop!  We aren't writing books, just a simple post to share what you are planning for 2021.

The Rules:  

Post on December 30th at 12:00 am Eastern time.
Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally optional!
Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment. Make friends!!!!

Are you in?

Send me an email with the following information:
Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL

Subject Line: Stitching 2021

PLEASE, email me the info.
I do know most of you, but if you don't send the info, I have to look up all your information.

If you have emailed me and don't hear from me within a few days, please email me again or contact me on Facebook.  Sometimes Hotmail eats my

Remember, this is for fun.
Let's grow together!!!!


  1. I like that you won't be policing me because I am seriously awful at those goal making things. This is perfect and you know I'm in!

  2. I'm in, I don't normally make resolutions but this may be doable.

  3. I know what my resolution is. I don't have an active blog, will I be able to join in as well?

  4. Count me in. Emailing you in a second.

  5. I am interested in doing this but I don't see a deadline to contact you. Is it too late to email you after Christmas or do you need the information sooner. It's such a busy time right now, just before Christmas. Thanks!


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!