
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Hearts on Fire Blog Hop - I'm IN!

 Carol at Just Let Me Quilt
just announced sign-ups for our newest blog hop.

What is a blog hop?

It's like a "show and tell" online.
Our blog hops feature sewing and quilting and are like joining a quilt guild without leaving home.  Once the theme (challenge) is presented we set to work sewing.
We inspire each other with projects, tutorials, or patterns.

You don't necessarily need a blog to join in.  
We can host your project.

Get all the details about the hop
and how to sign up over at Carol's blog:

I was supposed to host the hop in January, but Carol has stepped in to pick up my slack.
  What a year!

I have an idea for a very short and simple hop to end the year
that does not require stitching.
More on that soon...
(Think about what you want to accomplish next year)

In the meantime, I have signed up for the Hearts on Fire Blog Hop.
Are you in?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to step in just like I know you've stepped in for me...thanks for sharing! xo


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!