
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Make it Love - Project Quilting Season 10, Challenge 2

This is the second challenge of Season 10 of
Project Quilting.

I'm excited to join in this challenge, "Red, White, and Blue."

My entry:

Make it Love


Kim announces a challenge and you have one week to create something quilty.
Prizes can be won and it's a great way to meet new blogging friends.

The rules:

1. Your project should contain ONLY the colors RED, WHITE, and BLUE. It does not have to use all three, but it cannot include any additional colors.
2. Projects need to be created during the week of the challenge (started on or after January 20, finished by January 27).
3. Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these three requirements: include patchwork, include appliqué, have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.
4. Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline.
5.  Link up by Sunday, January 27 at noon CST.


I worked this challenge a bit backward.
I quilted first on the long arm by combining a couple of Handi Quilter pre-loaded designs
on solid Kona white fabric with a scrap of batting between.  
The quilting is with Aurfil 40 wt. long arm quilting thread.

This was great practice in placement with the preloaded designs on the Handi Quilter.
My thought was to make a little Valentine decor
not go the predictable patriotic direction.
As blue is not a traditional Valentine color, I felt this might be a challenge.
Next, I trimmed the design and used fabric markers to color the design with red and blue.

It really looks like it's been appliqued.
Can you imagine all those tiny pieces?

Here is the back to show the quilting.

Make it Love

Project Quilting Season 10, Challenge 2 - Red, White, and Blue
Made by Carla in Dodge City, Kansas
Size: 15" x 11"
Fabric coloring and Computerized Longarm Quilting

You can see all the other challenge projects and vote for your favorites starting at noon central on
January 27th
by clicking 
This one is #110


  1. This is really cool! I thought this wass appliqued at first sight.

  2. Love Love Love this! Definitely got my vote. I thought "how did she get this done in a week with all of that detailed applique?" Quilt first, then color - great idea and it turned out beautifully.

  3. Such a fun project and beautiful, too! Your quilting is amazing.

  4. What a great practice for a new technique for you. I think it is one terrific piece!

  5. How creative! The coloring with fabric markers is very smart. Yes, appliqueing those tiny pieces would have been so difficult.

  6. Very cool. Couldn't tell it wasnt appliqued when I first looked at it. Looks beautiful.

  7. everything you do is beautiful! LOVE this!


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!