
Monday, February 5, 2018

Put a Little Love in Your Quilt Starts Today

Carol over at Just Let Me Quilt is hosting

and it starts today!

My official post is tomorrow, 
but I do have a quilt or two from past posts I'd like to share during the hop.

One of my favorite quilts with a heart is

I made it 3 years ago for Project Quilting.
I still have it because I can't seem to let go...

Grab a cuppa and go visit all the quilts with love
and get inspired to spread your love.

Here's the list of bloggers participating:

February 5

February 6

February 7

February 8

And check out the giveaway at
during the hop with

A bundle of Kisses fabric

I can't wait to show the quilt I put a lot of LOVE into.

See you tomorrow!


  1. I love that Quilting Projects quilt.

  2. Love you to pieces is so clever! Thanks for sharing, I hadn't seen before.


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!