
Monday, October 17, 2022

Gremlins, Goblins and Ghouls Oh My! This Week

 This week one of the most anticipated blog hops of the year is happening.

It's the
Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls Oh My! Blog Hop!

Joan at MooseStash Quilting has invited a great group of 
Bloggers to dust off their brooms and come out and "fly"!
Or, show us some great Halloween-inspired projects.

I'm sure this group will wow us!!

Monday, Oct 17


Tuesday, Oct 18

Creatin’ in the Sticks


Wednesday, Oct 19


Thursday, Oct 20


Friday, Oct 21

This blog hop is for everyone!
Joan, Carol, and I really want you to
have fun visiting each blog and making new friends.

You can check out the
Pinterest Board
to stay up to date, too.  Joan will add to it every day.

We only have a couple of traditional blog hops left this year
and then
 we are going to change it up a bit...

Come back tomorrow for a bit more info and my day in the hop.

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