
Monday, October 26, 2020

From the Heart Blog Hop - A Gift from My Heart

 Welcome to the first day of the
From the Heart Blog Hop.

I'm happy to kick things off with
Pink Remember Bear.

Carol of Just Let Me Quilt invited bloggers to make a small gift that you would give to someone and share a pattern, tutorial, or link if you have one for the gift idea.

Thank you, Carol, for inviting me to join this super fun blog hop!

This has been a very tough year for all of us.
When the pandemic shut down happened, I was scheduled for my annual
mammogram and had to cancel it.  Now it's way overdue and it's time to schedule it, but the covid numbers are so high here that I keep putting off going anywhere.

The gift from my heart to YOU is this pink Memory Bear that I'm calling a Remember Bear.
I hope you aren't like me and you have had your annual check-up.
But if you haven't, this is a gentle reminder.
It's October and it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Think of my Pink Remember Bear and schedule your mammogram today.

To make my bear, I gathered all my pink Island Batik fabrics and the pattern is the

I just love stitching Pauline's Funky Friends Factory soft toys
and this one was super fun to do.  
All the toys are so super cute.
Pauline's patterns are clear and easy to follow with checkboxes as you go.

During the lockdown, Pauline gave away the Calico Memory Bear pattern for free.
In fact, she still has the info on her blog HERE.
She is super generous and has great tutorials on her blog to help with all her patterns.

This bear is not small.  
It sits 12 1/2" tall from the table.  If you stretched his legs he would be over 16" tall. The perfect size, really.

Remember to take care of yourself!

Be sure to check out all the From the Heart projects over at these blogs today:

October 26

Creatin' in the Sticks - YOU ARE HERE :)

Ms P Designs USA

Becky’s Adventures in Quilting and Travel


Selina Quilts

Cynthia's Creating Ark

Quilting Gail


Ridge Top Quilt

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

That Fabric Feeling

Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting

Here is the rest of the schedule:

 October 27


Just Because Quilts

Day Brook Designs

Karen's Korner

Quilt Schmilt

Kathy's Kwilts and More

Karrin’s Crazy World

Words & Stitches

Vroomans Quilts

Sew Many Yarns

Songbird Designs

Samelia's Mum

 October 28

Just Let Me Quilt



Seams To Be Sew

Pieceful Thoughts of My Quilting Life

Bumbleberry Stitches

Days Filled With Joy

Quilted Delights

Den Syende Himmel

Life in the Scrapatch

Storied Quilts

Kathleen McMusing

Food for Thought

I'm sure by the end of the blog hop, you will have more ideas than time.
There is so much talent in this line-up.

Giveaway Time!

I have 2 Island Batik stash builders of pink strips left
I would love to send them to one of you!
(bear not included)

UPDATE:  Congrats to Shirley as the winner of the Giveaway!

I'm covering the postage so this giveaway is limited to U.S. only.  (sorry)
Entries are open until November 2nd
I'll announce the winner by November 3rd.

You'll never regret giving from your heart and a stuffed softy is perfect for everyone.


  1. She is so cute and a wonderful reminder. I got my mamo in July. It was scary to go but by the time we were done I felt better on many levels including how well the office was being run around Covid.

  2. Such a sweet bear! How big is he? Like you I had my mammo scheduled for April, it got canceled and was done in early Oct. with a call back for Ultrasound, geesh I hate getting call backs. But at least it turned out okay.

  3. I love that your bear is a breast cancer reminder without being over the top pink ribbons.

  4. Thats a super cute bear Carla! Thanks for the giveaway too.

  5. Your bear is lovely and a great reminder to not neglect other aspects of our health while dealing with the pandemic!

  6. So very cute. Thank you for sharing. This year has been nuts. This pandemic is crazy and numbers just keep rising.

  7. I hope you can get on the schedule to get your mammogram - I always get mine in early January and need to get on the schedule thanks for the reminder - cute bear! and love the fabric.

  8. Your little bear is so cute! Love her colors. She is a great reminder to have around! Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. I love that you used several different fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. This beautiful bear would make a great gift! The batiks look perfect for it. I have several of those patterns and have been wanting to sew one. I love them all. I put off my mammogram, too, but I'm heading for one in a couple weeks. This virus has delayed a lot of us from our important exams. Thanks for sharing your sweet bear and for the reminder to get our mammograms!

  11. Thank you for sharing and inspiring and reminding today. This is so adorable. I just love the fabrics you chose. And she is happy. I love happy. Thank you for the gentle reminder. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  12. This is super cute! Love all the diffeent pink fabrics! He turned put great!

  13. That’s such a sweet little bear! It would gift a lovely hug to anyone.

  14. Cute bear and thanks so much for the link. I am due to get my mammogram next month I think.

  15. Carla that is a cute bear and in pink batik! The unstuffed bear looked a little like a pink bat to me, lol!

  16. Your bear is just adorable as can be! Love the batiks!

  17. I love your pink remember bear! My best friend is going through chemo for breast cancer right now - I would love to make her something from those pink strips! Thank you!!

  18. little pink bear??!!! ADorable! LeeAnna

  19. It's such a cute bear. I want to make one too. I love Funky Friends patterns - they are so adorable.

  20. Your remember bear is sooo cute! Thanks for sharing! I too initially put off my mammogram but have since had it done - all is good!

  21. Love your pink bear and thanks for the reminder. Yes, I need to make that call and schedule a mammogram .
    Nancy A:

  22. Oh, what a sweet little bear! That is an awesome reminder to check the boobies. My younger sister went in for a routine breast exam, not a mammo, and they found nothing, but a week later she came across a lump during a self-check. Sure enough, it was cancer - she was lucky to find it in such an early stage. She's recovering from her lumpectomy and will soon start radiation. We do not have a history of breast cancer in our family so it wasn't really on my radar and I have not had a mammogram in a couple of years. I will be going in soon!!

  23. A mammogram is one thing I did do this year, just a few weeks ago. Your bear is adorable!

  24. Thanks for bringing attention to the importance of mammograms, and doing it in such a beautiful and delightful way! I love your bear!

  25. What a sweet bear. Thankyou for the timely reminder of the importance of getting your mammogram. I just scheduled mine last week.

  26. Carla, I LOVE your funky friends bear! So cute ... and the reason for pink is SEW important! (And I LOVE the Island Batik fabrics!) I hope you get to have your mammo soon!
    Take care!

  27. That is just soooo sweet and a great reminder of the importance of a mammogram.

  28. Carla, this is absolutely adorable and a great reminder for everyone. I did have that very important test back in August, which was fine, along with a bone density that was not so great. Anyway thanks for sharing your project and the link to the pattern, and of course, the giveaway. Love those pink fabrics!!

  29. Just had my mammogram and had to go for second screening-lost some sleep over that, however, good news-no cancer! Thank you for bringing awareness to this important test. Love your bear-I use to make so many fabric bears-they all had their own personalities!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Carla, I just printed out this pattern the other day hoping to make it soon. Great minds think alike!! I love how your pink bear came adorable. Also what a great reminder for us to go schedule our annual mammograms. I have to say, it's been difficult to keep up with all our health checks this year but we must be vigilant, despite the threat of a virus. Thank you for the cute reminder and a wonderful project!!! It was so nice of the company to offer the pattern for free.

  32. Very cute bear. It would make a great gift.

  33. Cute pink bear. Thanks for the chance at the pink strips.

  34. Oh, your bear is simply adorable! I agree, Pauline's critters are so cute.

  35. I had to put my annual mammogram off because of covid too. I was finally able to get one at the end of August. The result was Stage One Breast cancer. Most likely if I could have done it earlier this year it would have been Stage zero amd I wouldn't have had to do radiation or have my lymph nodes checked. So please don't put it off any longer. Cute bear!

  36. What a pretty pink bear. I haven't scheduled my mammogram either but hope to get it done this year for sure.

  37. Carla thank you so very much for hopping. Your Pink Remembrance Bear is Lovely. Thank you for the link to the pattern.

  38. Great idea for the hop. I was rescheduled after 6 months. All clear is always good news and I was glad to receive it again this year.

  39. Love it. Those Funky Friends are just too cute. Sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face��

  40. Bears are always loveable, hugable gifts. I have a pattern a little large just like this. Maybe I need to make some bears again.

  41. I love to make bear memory gifts. This is a sweet one.

  42. Such a sweet bear. Pink is the best colour too. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today xx

  43. Your bear is so sweet in the pink batiks. Thank you for the link to the pattern.

  44. A very sweet small gift idea! It reminds me that I have a hippo pattern that I have wanted to make for a few years, maybe this is the year!

  45. What a cute bear, and an excellent reminder about self-care. I've scheduled my yearly checkup for next week. Take care!!

  46. I love that you used all those pinks - Remember Bear is one of the cutest bears I've ever seen. Thanks for the reminder about the mammogram. Mine got delayed, too, but late is better than never!

  47. Such a cute bear! I do love the Funky Friends patterns. My mammogram got delayed--the mobile unit normally comes to my workplace twice a year and I do it then, but with Covid we're work from home. But I did go in over the summer. I hope you can get up to date soon!

  48. Thanks for the chance to enter, and for the reminder about that adorable bear. It's time for me to get busy with my holiday creating. Now if I can find a way to get all of my gifts mailed while I am under strict lockdown...we may have a boom holiday sometime in 2022. :)

  49. My doctor's office surprised me and forwarded a prescription for a mammogram to my usual radiology office. They contacted me to make the appointment in August so I am good. I love that pink bear. It is beautiful with such a sweet face.

  50. Oooh so cute! I love pink... but don't have any experience sewing soft toys... might have to try this one though! Thanks for sharing! xx

  51. everyone could use a bear to hug




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