
Friday, July 10, 2020

Words to Grow By - An Explanation and Up-to-Date Blocks and Links

There has been a little confusion about our
Words to Grow By Block of the Month for 2020.

We are a group of designers that work together to design a 
Block of the Month quilt
every year.

Amy at Sew Incredibly Crazy
Carol at Just Let Me Quilt
Joan at Moosestash Quilting
Carla at Creatin' in the Sticks (me)

We are great friends and have so much fun designing quilts 
from the yearly theme to the final quilt.

Each designer makes individual patterns for different parts of the quilt
(this year it was 12" blocks)
we take turns presenting the parts each month.

This year we decided to create a word quilt with flowers, critters, and words that mean 
a little something to each of us.
It's one of my favorite group collaboration projects, yet!

Our group of 4 designers has really enjoyed this one
we've been excited to share every block.

The simple truth is that 2020 has been a challenge for all of us.

For us, it's been a struggle to keep up with the block of the month 
with all the life challenges and chaos.

But, we want you to have every block we created for this quilt and feel like the best way to continue is to release all of the remaining blocks during the next couple of months.

Just to be clear, we ARE NOT leaving you hanging with an unfinished project! 
We love our followers too much to do that.

From July through the end of August, each designer will release the remaining blocks, including the stars, and measurements for the border. 

They will be free through September for downloading, so be sure to grab them.

The Quilt:

The quilt without borders is 48" x 60"

Amy has a plan for the borders (to be released soon)

4 blocks across / 5 blocks down

Here is the layout for the quilt with the blocks that have been released - checked.

You can see that the block to come is August.
The border will be released soon too.

The Blocks:

This is my version of the blocks that have been released
 the designer's direct link to the pattern information.
(I will update this list as the patterns are released)

February - Joy

March - Faith - Peace
April - Share 
May - Bloom
June - Wander
July - Reach

Block is released!
 (my picture coming soon) 

September - Harvest Happiness

October - Dream

November - Care

December - Lead

January - Grow Stars

Borders and Finishing
Uploaded to Facebook by Just Let Me Quilt
(the link is to the files on the Facebook group page)
Remember, the patterns print best with your PC or Laptop.

We have loved our time with you and will leave the Facebook page open so you can ask questions and show us your finished blocks and quilts. 
 There are over 3000 friends on the Facebook group.
Come and join us.

Hopefully the crazy of 2020 begins and ends with 2020.

Peace to you,


  1. Thank you Carla, Amy, Carol and Joan for providing such wonderful patterns and ideas. I have enjoyed each block of the month program these past few years and look forward to future blocks of the month! I don't know how to tag each of you but thank you so much! Not only for finishing this series but for sharing your gifts as well.

  2. I know this has been a tough few months for everyone. I thank you and all the designers for thinking of us and finishing the BOM's. Personally I wouldn't be concerned if it was stopped now. Blessings to you all and stay safe and healthy

  3. Thanks to you all for doing this. These few months have definitely been tough on many. Here's to a happier and healther 2020.

  4. SEW many cute blocks, Carla!! Looking forward to what the rest of the quilt reveals.


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!