
Friday, March 22, 2019

Hand Over the Chocolate - Project Quilting Season 10, Challenge 6

It's hard to believe this is the sixth and final challenge for Season 10 
Project Quilting.

I'm excited to join in this challenge, "Craving Chocolate"

My entry:

Hand Over the Chocolate

Kim announces a challenge and you have one week to create something quilty.
Prizes can be won and it's a great way to meet new blogging friends.


  1. Whether you choose the candy or the color, your project must be inspired by chocolate.
  2. Projects need to be created during the week of the challenge (started on or after March 17, finished by March 24).
  3. Your project does not need to be a traditional quilt, but must meet at least one of these three requirements: include patchwork, include appliqué, have 3 layers stitched together by hand or machine.
  4. Incomplete or unfinished does not qualify. Every challenge piece must be a FINISHED project seen through from INCEPTION to COMPLETION during the challenge timeline.
  5. Link up by Sunday, March 24 at noon CDT

I really didn't want to play with this theme too much.
I gave chocolate up for Lent.

So right away I thought, hand it right over.  I love chocolate so much.

A friend of mine is always showing up with a package of chocolate kisses.
As a nurse, she always has some for her patients.
She says people are so much more cooperative with a little chocolate.

She's so smart.

I made a little reversed appliqued hand.  
This was inspired by a block I sent to Sarah over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict a few years ago for her Hands to Help challenge.

I quilted it with straight and wavy lines like the paper hand drawings.

Then I appliqued a chocolate kiss with grey fabric and added an original paper from the candy.
(I threw the candy away - if you were wondering) ugh.

Once the binding was finished, I felt like it needed a little more bling.
Deco Foil bling.

The pattern for the appliqued candy was good for Hot Melt adhesive and then
I crinkled the silver deco foil to make it look more like the candy and presto:

Hand Over the Chocolate.

Hand Over the Chocolate

Project Quilting Season 10, Challenge 6 - Craving Chocolate
Made by Carla in Dodge City, Kansas
Size: 4" x 4 1/2"
Reverse Applique, Deco Foiled Candy, 3-D Paper enhancement 
Quilting with Aurifil 50 wt. #5006 on my domestic machine

You can see all the other challenge projects and vote for your favorites starting at noon central on
March 24th
by clicking 
This one is #24

Enjoy all the chocolate inspiration.
It's going to take some willpower to browse all the eye candy in this one...


  1. Very cute and I would definitely be more cooperative with chocolate!

  2. Very cute and creative. Gotta love reverse applique also.

  3. That is too cute! I would have eaten the candy! LOL

  4. This is just too cute, Carla! You are stronger than I, as I would have HAD to have eaten that/those (maybe a bag!!) kiss(ES)!!

  5. I wanna try me some of that deco foil. And that self-restraint. Nah, I lied about the second one. :)

  6. How very clever you are! This is really neat!!

  7. Very cool and clever. The addition of the foil was perfect.

  8. Very cute!!! and so true right? hand it over ha ha

  9. Adding the Deco Foil was pure genius!! It added such a sense of realism.

  10. Love this! Always fun to see what you come up with ;)


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!