
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Pick a Pumpkin Blog Hop - The Final Day, Giveaway, and My Day

We are celebrating fall this week
with the
Pick a Pumpkin Blog Hop.

Today is the last day and I'm sad to see it end.

My vision became a reality thanks to everyone who played along.

It has been so fun to see pumpkins take center stage for one week
to all that participated or commented -
Thank you so much!

It's been such a fun week.

It's my day to share my pumpkins
I made this pillow to remind me of this blog hop.

Just a little fusible applique with
on a background of white then a little orange to snowball the corners.

It matches pretty close to the button.
Well, it should, I designed the button too. *wink*

And here is my Pumpkin Surprise quilt.

Finished size:  40" x 40"

The animal blocks are in my Craftsy shop.

There is a raccoon, an owl

a fox, and a bunny

surrounded by friendship blocks with itty, bitty pumpkins in the center.

Here is today's line-up of bloggers.

and if you missed the beginning of the week,
here it is:

There's a Pinterest Board where you can see all the
Pick a Pumpkin
projects from the hop.

And Finally
here is the

One of my favorite fabric shops is the 

One of my readers will receive a 
$25.00 Gift Card to go

Visit all the blog posts of the day, leave a comment, 
 enter the giveaway below.

The winner will be announced on Monday, November 12th, 2018.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


sign ups
coming soon


  1. Your pillow is a perfect representation of the hop button! And your Pumpkin Surprise quilt is just adorable! Thanks so much for bringing us this very fun hop!

  2. The quilt with racoon and owl would be a great baby quilt. Loved the quilt at Sew Retirement as well.

  3. Your pumpkin pillow and quilt are adorable! The little animals are so cute.

  4. OMG, that is TOO cute!! Love the animal blocks and the tiny, tiny pumpkins in the friendship star blocks! And your pillow IS a perfect match for your button! Awesome! Thanks so much for hosting this very fun hop! I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone's punkins'!!

  5. I love your pumpkin pillow!! I also really liked the pumpkin garland on the hop.

  6. The blog hop has been so much fun! Love all the pumpkin designs. Lots of great ideas.

  7. I have loved all of the projects on this blog hop! I particularly like the animals popping out of the pumpkins. I think I need to make one with a squirrel since one of them made himself at home on our porch, nibbling on our pumpkin. :)

  8. Those little pumpkins on the quilt are perfect. I love how the pillow represents the hop button.

  9. That pillow is DARLING!! What a great commemorative piece and so creative! The quilt is very charming, too -- sweet and happy!! Very glad to see the B&W hop announced! Yay!!! :)

  10. Awesome pillow and the quilt is very adorable with the animals and pumpkins.

  11. That pillow is just SDC (Sew Darn Cute)! So are your little critters. Fun, fun!

  12. Cute pillow and little critter quilt - thank you for being the hostess for such a fun hop. So much inspiration and great projects from so many talented folks.

  13. I'm loving the pillow - I think it's always special to have a remembrance of the hops. It's so bright and cheery. The quilt is amazing. I love how 'artists' can imagine such wonderful ideas. Wonderful!

  14. Love both your pillow and the pumpkin surprise! Those little pumpkins are so tiny - good work!

  15. Thank YOU for a great hop. All the projects were wonderful. Your pumpkin surprise quilt is adorable.

  16. Carla, I love how creative and different your two projects are. Definitely a nice change from typical pumpkins. I l❤️ It.

  17. What a sweet little quilt. Whew those are tiny little pumpkins...but a perfect accent. That pillow is a great reminder of another of your fabulous hops!

  18. Those are so cute. I have loved seeing the blue pumpkins in the hop. I love your quilt with the little critters AND those TINY pumpkins.

  19. Love all of your projects! Those little pumkins in your border are very cute and add a special touch to it. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Pumpkin Surprise is so fun, it would fit right in at my house. I've enjoyed this hop so much, so many great ideas and talent. Thank you!

  21. Cute quilt with all those tiny pumpkins.

  22. o My gosh, those cute little animals! Love the teeniest of pumpkins!

  23. I love how you turned the blog hop logo pumpkins into quilty projects, Carla! It has been been one of my favorite blog hop icons. I love the teal with the orange. I love this pillow! Thank you for this wonderful blog hop fun, my friend ... :-) Pat

  24. I have totally enjoyed the hop and all the pumpkin and fall themed projects. Thanks for putting this together! Your projects are wonderful! And Oh. My. Goodness. those tiny pumpkins! Wow.

  25. Omg was a great hop tytyty for sharing ..So many table runners

  26. Your animals coming out of pumpkins would be such fun for kids. Thanks.

  27. You are just so creative! That pillow is the cutest! This has been so much fun as always!

  28. A great pillow and a great blog hop. Thank you

  29. Oh Carla, This was such fun, so many friends with great ideas. Thanks for all your effort. Love both your pillow and your lovely wildlife quilt. Those tiny pumpkins are fabulous.

  30. Your pillow is cute, but the baby quilt is adorable! Love the animals! Thank you for the wonderful hop!

  31. Your pillow is so pretty and perfect! Great idea to make it like the button. Are you making the pattern available?

  32. Your Pumpkin Surprise quilt is amazing!!! And those tiny pumpkins on the Friendship blocks are too cute!!!

  33. I've visited each of the bloggers this week, and it has been fun. Thank you for hosting the event, and I feel as if I have met some new quilting friends

  34. I love your pillow and I really enjoyed the blog hop. So much great inspiration!

  35. Oh my gosh, Carla, I love the turquoise/blue pumpkin in this! I feel like I need to make a whole quilt with those pumpkins in that color. Then you had to go and throw in those cute critters in pumpkins. Amazing projects and blog hop...thank you!

  36. The pillow is darling and the quilt is super cute. Thanks for making both and sharing.

  37. Not sure if this worked the first time...

    Your fox looks surprised (“but I thought they couldn’t find me!)

    jhunsberger (at) gmail (d0t) com

  38. Gosh, there were certainly some great pumpkin projects today. I loved the BIG pumpkin wall hanging and 'Just Sew Quilter' did a super job. I enjoyed the log cabin potholder and mug rug that 'retirement' made, too. Thanks again, Carla, for a fun hop. Happy Thanksgiving.

  39. OMG, your quilt is just stinkin' cute!! I am off to finish hopping now:)

  40. Cute quilts! I have enjoyed this hop and seeing all of the great projects. I loved the little pumpkin garland.

  41. Oh oh oh, your Pumpkin Surprise is so adorable! Thank you for such a fun blog hop.

  42. Cute projects! Thanks so much for organizing this hop. It has been a lot of fun!

  43. Your pillow is so perfect!! So, did you design the pillow first or the blog button?? So incredibly creative!! Thank you for arranging this great hop...every blog was creative and different, which made it so much fun!!!

  44. Your Pumpkin Surprise quilt is awesome - I love it! Thank you for a wonderful blog hop you arranged and for sharing your amazing projects.

  45. Your pillow is a perfect memory pillow for this hop--love it. Pumpkin Surprise is a neat quilt! Sweet animals in the middle, those tiny pumpkins in the blocks around the edge--wow! Sew creative! Thanks for sharing those and for hosting this hop.

  46. Your pillow is cute, but OMG the quilt with the tiny pumpkins and the super cute animals!

  47. Fun blog hop. Thanks. Looking forward to the next one.

  48. Those sweet critters popping out of pumpkins are so cool! Every block brings a smile! I've found so many great pumpkin projects on this hop and I now I want to spend the entire weekend in my sewing room! Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess and organizing this blog hop, Carla! Such fun!

  49. Your quilt is adorable. Love the idea of all those cute creatures popping up out of the pumpkins. And the pillow..... very nice touch! Thanks so much for hosting such a wonderful blog hop.

  50. I got behind, but now I'm catching up on that Thursday! I like the pillow AND the quilt. Those pumpkins/animals are so clever. Thanks for the ideas from this whole hop!


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!