
Thursday, November 29, 2018

30 Quilt Blocks in 30 Days in South Africa

It was about a year ago when I created

and my year has been so fun keeping up with the enthusiasm I've received by everyone making blocks and quilts.

My heart swells and eyes tear from the comments and visits to my blog.

I designed these blocks with the beginner in mind
 the blocks are perfect for quick piecing for anyone.

Each block makes so many designs when put together.


Or make all 30 blocks for a great sampler quilt.

Today I received such a wonderful email from a guild in 
South Africa
 and I wanted to share their pictures.

In January, Sue emailed to ask if I minded if she used
to share and teach to her guild,
Hayfields Quilting Guild in Pietermaritzburg SA.

Mind?  Of course not, but thank you, Sue, for asking!!!!

She explained her group of about 60 meets once a month to share, quilt, and chat.

Sue sent me this picture of her work in progress quilt top last April.

Today she shared more made by members of the guild:

Each quilt is a little different with color, but also with borders and sashing.
The quilting is so cool, too!

Thank you, Sue, for the email.
Feeling the love today!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Virtual Cookie Exchange - Spread Joy

It's time to make Christmas happen here in the Sticks
my friend Carol at Just Let Me Quilt
has a way of pushing me to get my projects finished on time.

Welcome to 
Creatin' in the Sticks
my stop for the 
where bloggers are sharing Christmas cookies recipes, traditions, and/or sewing projects.
Thank you, Carol, for including me!

'Tis the season to spread JOY!

I'm thrilled to have a free tutorial over at the
today for this 
JOY Wreath
 Merry and Bright Fabrics by Corri Dantini for Blend Fabrics.

Put it together in an afternoon.
(I made it faster than I iced the cookies - lol)

The free PDF pattern and tutorial is available today by clicking HERE.

When I found out my tutorial for Thermoweb was the same day as my post for the hop
I decided to try a theme of JOY and that is how these cookies happened.

Lemon JOY Cookies
(not the dishwashing liquid - lol)

They are sweet and tart at the same time.

I made the recipe a JPG file so just right click on it to save it.

Here is the list of bloggers ready to show you some new ideas and traditions for your holiday:

November 27

November 28

November 29

Please leave each one a sweet comment.
It gives warm and fuzzies...
(Don't leave them feeling left out)
We remember feelings...  just saying.

Thank you for stopping by
thank you, Carol, for this fun hop!.

One more quick thing:
Our hop for January is filling up but there is still time to join the 

Black & White Blog Hop. 
Find more information by clicking HERE.

I hope your season is full of JOY!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Blog Hop Announcement - Black & White

We have had so much fun hopping!

It's like old times, like a reunion, seeing old friends and being blown away by the stitching.

We are trying to keep the blog hops simple and easy to participate
which makes it nice for everyone...
us included.

I can't believe how creative these blog hops have been and can't wait to see where everyone takes this one.

Today I am happy to announce the newest stitching blog hop to start the new year.

There is a little over 2 months to sew something and join in on the fun.  
It's another easy theme that should have you thinking of lots of things you could make.

Black & White should be your inspiration.
Interpret it any way you like.

The blog hop rules:  
sorry, there has to be a little organization...

Sew something black & white.
This is your interpretation of the theme. 
I'm not going to say you have to have a project that is 100% black & white.  Make it white with a black stripe, make it black with a white stripe, make it black & white with a pink accent.
It's up to you!  Inspire us.

Post your project on your assigned day.

Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally optional!

Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment.

Are you in?

Send me an email with the following information:
Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL

Let's start 2019 with a super fun and inspirational hop.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Winner, winner, Pumpkin Eater - Pick a Pumpkin Giveaway Winner Announced

We had so much fun hopping last week
during the

Pick a Pumpkin Blog Hop!

There were so many awesome projects and comments.
Thank you to all who either posted or commented.
YOU make it happen!

Now it's time to announce the winner of the


One of my favorite fabric shops is the 

Susan S. is receiving
$25.00 Gift Card to go

Our random draw winner left a sweet comment:
Blogger rosemaryschild said...
I am loving all the pumpkins! Thank you, Susan
Congratulations, Susan.
I am emailing you right now!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Pick a Pumpkin Blog Hop - The Final Day, Giveaway, and My Day

We are celebrating fall this week
with the
Pick a Pumpkin Blog Hop.

Today is the last day and I'm sad to see it end.

My vision became a reality thanks to everyone who played along.

It has been so fun to see pumpkins take center stage for one week
to all that participated or commented -
Thank you so much!

It's been such a fun week.

It's my day to share my pumpkins
I made this pillow to remind me of this blog hop.

Just a little fusible applique with
on a background of white then a little orange to snowball the corners.

It matches pretty close to the button.
Well, it should, I designed the button too. *wink*

And here is my Pumpkin Surprise quilt.

Finished size:  40" x 40"

The animal blocks are in my Craftsy shop.

There is a raccoon, an owl

a fox, and a bunny

surrounded by friendship blocks with itty, bitty pumpkins in the center.

Here is today's line-up of bloggers.

and if you missed the beginning of the week,
here it is:

There's a Pinterest Board where you can see all the
Pick a Pumpkin
projects from the hop.

And Finally
here is the

One of my favorite fabric shops is the 

One of my readers will receive a 
$25.00 Gift Card to go

Visit all the blog posts of the day, leave a comment, 
 enter the giveaway below.

The winner will be announced on Monday, November 12th, 2018.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


sign ups
coming soon