
Monday, June 4, 2018

Alphabet Letter Pillows for Spring Quilt Market

With Spring Quilt Market 2018 in the rear view, I can finally reveal these letter pillows 
share the tutorial.

When Blend Fabrics asked if I would make alphabet pillows for their booth for Spring Quilt Market,  I couldn’t have been more thrilled to help.  

The Blend fabrics are Maude Asbury’s Pen and Paper with whimsical ballpoint pens, paper airplanes, and colorful paperclips.  

These letter cushions are made sturdy with HeatnBond High Loft Fusible Fleece 

The tutorial to make your own letters is over at Thermoweb today.

 Let me show you how to make bias strips for the sides of larger letters using HeatnBond interfacing to keep the letters in shape.

I've had so much fun making alphabet pillows.  
They really make great gifts!
Click HERE to see the tutorial.

Have a happy week,


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