
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Bring on Spring - SCRAPtastic - Project Quilting Season 9, Project 6

SCRAPtastic is the sixth and final challenge of 
Project Quilting.

My entry is
Bring on Spring

She announces a challenge and you have one week to create something quilty.
Prizes can be won and it's a great way to meet new blogging friends.

It wouldn't be Project Quilting without at least one project coming down to the last minute and this is the ONE.  Life happens sometimes...

The project is due at noon and the final stitch went in at 11:10.
Just enough time to photo and post.  Man is my heart pounding...

This is plan "B" for the challenge.  
There is a quilt in process that just wasn't going to be finished on time, so in true Project Quilting fashion, I picked up the scraps from that quilt and made this wall hanging.

Here are some process pictures.

I made a quilt canvas with a white middle 
 fabulous 2" scraps from Tula Pink's All Stars collection - "LOVE!"

I used a square from each fabric in the fat quarter bundle with the exception of 3  so I know there are at least 15 different fabrics.
 (I'm a rule follower and the challenge said to use at least 12 different fabrics - lol)

I enjoyed working backwards so much on a previous challenge, I decided to do it on this quilt too.
Plus it's great practice in placement with the preloaded designs on the Handi Quilter.
I decided on a flower design and quilted it with 2 layers of fleece 
between the top and back for lots of dimension.

Here's the back to show more of the quilting detail.
 I'm working on placement of blank space, but found I had a lot of threads to tuck with this design. I'm excited to try more though.

Next, I added color to the quilting by using fabric markers.

This has become one of my favorite "new to me" things to do.

Bring on Spring
Project Quilting Season 9, Challenge 6 - Scraptastic

Made by Carla in Dodge City, Kansas
Size: 13" x 14"
Scraps from the quilt I wanted to make for this challenge but didn't finish,  Fabric coloring and Computerized Longarm Quilting

You can see all the other challenge projects and vote for your favorites starting at noon central on
 Sunday, March 25th through Friday, March 30th
by clicking 

This one is #92 of 93 entries.


  1. Another great project from you for PQ. Well done.

  2. Very cool design and definitey a make it work moment. I am looking forward to seeing Plan A finished as it is sure to be stunning!

  3. Very cute! How do I sign up for the 30 blocks in 30 days? Is there a button for this?

  4. Very pretty. Love the fabrics ... <3 Pat


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!