
Friday, December 1, 2017

Holiday Quilt Block Series - Block #1 - Christmas Bell Ornament

Today I am excited to be kicking off the Thermoweb Holiday Quilt Block Series
 where 4 members of the Thermoweb design team will share holiday block designs 
over the next week.  

Every block can be stitched up in a day or two and you can sew along with us. 
 On Saturday, December 9th we will show different layouts to put the blocks all together so you can have it all finished by Christmas. 

 Let's get started with block #1.

HeatNBond EZ Print Lite Christmas Bell Ornament Quilt Block

The fabric used by the design team is

O' Christmas Tree by Whistler Studios for Windham Fabrics

The templates for the
Christmas Bell Ornament Block
can be printed on HeatNBond EZ Print Lite to make this quilt block a fast one.
(no tracing)

If you happen to want this fabric or any of the awesome Thermoweb products the designers used in these blocks, there is a giveaway over on the blog post for Thermoweb.


I used Aurifil thread:  50wt #2692 to stitch in a straight stitch around the bell pieces.

The schedule for the 
Holiday Quilt Block Series:

The full patterns and tutorials are on the Thermoweb blog.
Sew along with us for some beautiful Christmas decor.

There are 4 quilt blocks to play with.

Let's celebrate the Christmas season!


  1. I'd like to know how many blocks there will be altogether...Thank you Sharon

  2. Wow Carla,
    This is a really terrific pattern! I love that it is curvy, and VERY artistic. No clunky bell here.
    The colors fit beautifully with the season and would look great on my "design" wall (my living room wall).
    Great job as usual; I don't know where you find the time.

  3. Thank you! I've shared this series on QuiltBOM as part of the Christmas Countdowns. Or I will before the day is over. =) I like your bell very much.

  4. Love your bell. I really don't have the time for another project but, I saw this and immediately thought of my copper Christmas fabrics so have made block one. It isn't stitched down yet but I love it. Thank you.

  5. Your ornament is fabulous.Thanks for the pattern!

  6. Charming like an old keepsake.

  7. What a beautiful block and so downright Christmasy! Thanks for the info and links.

  8. Så smuk - tak for at dele
    God jul - Julehilsen fr Danmark


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!