
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Identity Thief Halloween Costume - Now That's Scary

 I have to admit, some of my favorite Halloween costumes are the funny pun ones. 
 The ones like
 “cereal killer” with bloody cereal boxes 
the “Spice Girls” with the spice labels.  
They are simple and fun.
Want to make a quick Halloween costume that is funny and scary at the same time?
  HeatnBond Inkjet Transfer Sheets come to the rescue.

Identity Thief Halloween Costume

All my favorite characters from "The Walking Dead" 
 my model (Hubby) 
has stolen their identities
with name tags.

Find the full tutorial and printable over on the Thermoweb Blog.

You will find a lot of great costume ideas over there too!

Just hope you never come across this guy....

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