
Friday, September 29, 2017

Gender Reveal Party - I'm going to be a Grandma!

Hubby and I couldn't be more excited to become grandparents
now we know what our first grandchild will be.

I had to take a quilt to the party.
I just didn't know what color I would be leaving.

My daughter has a great friend that planned the whole party.
Here are a few lot of the pictures....

We are all football fans and the party was all about team blue vs. team pink.

The party was such fun with tailgate food and decorations.
We even had a Ruffery.
Our first grandpuppy.

Another friend (my son's girlfriend) made the yummy cupcakes.

For the big reveal, my son-in-law was handed a practice ball first.

And he kicked the purple out of it

right at the future grandpa.  

Now for the reveal....

He kicks the football
it's pink!!

Mommy and Daddy will have a baby girl at the end of the year!

What does this grandma do?  

She gets to sewing...
By the way, I used HeatnBond Soft Stretch lite in the hems, applying the zipper, and to applique my little owl to the fleece outfit and it stayed super soft. 
HeatnBond Soft Stretch  is on sale until the end of National Sewing Month.

And don't forget, you will receive my free fall pattern with every order.

 I can't wait to make more soft fleece baby GIRL things.
Any suggestions?  Patterns or things I must make this sweet baby before she arrives?

P.S.  In case you missed it, Mollie has been showing off her new stocking over on the Thermoweb blog this week.  The full pattern and tutorial is HERE.
If you have time to show her some love...


  1. Oh, my goodness, how very fun! Congratulations! That is an adorable little baby outfit. I loved making outfits for my babies - little overalls with matching hats, little dresses, ruffles and lace. They have the cutest little girl patterns these days. Can't wait for some grandbabies of my own. I hear they're great...

  2. Congratulations! You're in for a sweet and enjoyable ride. We welcomed our first grandchild in March, no one knew the gender until the delivery so I bought the grandma and grandpa quilts to delivery. I was holding the grandma quilt which was pink because I wanted a granddaughter and got my wish. I made lots of burp cloths!

  3. Oh my goodness!! Too too wonderful! Congrats to all!!!

  4. Oh my goodness!! How cute and fun and a Rufuree - I LOVE it!! Congrats to you!!!!

  5. So exciting!! Congratulations. Anna Maria Horner has some great baby patterns.

  6. What fun!!!! Congratulations to all.

  7. Such a cute way to announce if it's a boy or girl. Congratulations! Sewing for a girl is so fun...lace, frills, and ruffles!

  8. Congratulations! What fun your next two months of sewing are going to be.


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!