
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Other, Other Ladies Meet!

Today I was sooooo lucky.

We bloggers are always talking about the best part of blogging is the friends we make along the way.
Today it became more of a reality for me!

Remember this grocery bag dispenser?

I picked the fabric especially for that other, other lady.

Today I received this:

Photo by More Stars in Comanche
The April Showers jelly roll 
That other, other lady.
I was the winner of the Picnic Blog Hop Giveaway sponsored by Quilts With a Heart!

But that's not the BEST part...
Guess who delivered this pastry.

Vickie, herself, accompanied by the Ranch Man.
She's even prettier and sweeter in person.
(if that's possible)

Thank you, Ranch Man for letting us "other ladies" chat and 
quilt talk!


Thank you Vickie, for delivering April Showers and taking time to stop in.
Don't worry, my client's hair color looked
Safe travels, my friend.

Told you it was going to be a GREAT week!
I hope yours is as good as mine.


  1. My two favorite other other ladies look beautiful! Lucky you to meet and exchange such nice gifts/prizes.

  2. So happy for both! It is always great to meet in person!

  3. You are soooo lucky Carla. Sure hope you gave that other other lady the biggest of hugs...lucky ducks!

  4. ohhhh isn't that just wonderful when OTHER LADIES meet and such happiness is the result...of course we are happy ....

  5. ohhhh isn't that just wonderful when OTHER LADIES meet and such happiness is the result...of course we are happy ....

  6. ohhhh isn't that just wonderful when OTHER LADIES meet and such happiness is the result...of course we are happy ....

  7. ohhhh isn't that just wonderful when OTHER LADIES meet and such happiness is the result...of course we are happy ....

  8. It amazes me the friendships that are nourished in blogland and cemented in meeting! I have experienced this more than once,happy blessings!

  9. So very cool that two beautiful and talented ladies got to meet each other in person! Makes it that much more special for sure.

  10. Wow, now that's special delivery! I'm one lucky girl to be friends with the other, other lady and get to see her often! She IS pretty and so, so sweet!!! Someday when I'm visiting my parents in MO, maybe I'll take a road trip to Dodge City!

  11. How great to meet up. When I mention things I've seen in blogland, I always say, "a friend...." You have to be here to know it.

  12. Oh, Carla! I do envy you. How sweet it is to make wonderful friends through blogging. And to meet them in person must be an incredible experience. You both look so happy!

  13. I love meeting blogging friends. Hope to meet Vickie one day too. Would love to meet you too Carla!

  14. Oh, how fun! I met a blogging friend last week, too! Jodi from Pleasant Home was camping near here, and we had them over for dinner! Best day, indeed. Isn't it great when you meet someone in person that you feel like you know so well?

  15. I think of how we giggled the whole time we were together every time I pull a bag out of my gorgeous bag dispenser !


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!