
Friday, January 24, 2014

Grow Your Blog

2 Bags Full

 I'm Carla and am so happy to have you here. Thank you to Vicki at 2 Bags Full for helping us all Grow Our Blogs.
 Blog hops are a great way to be inspired and meet new blogging friends.   I am mostly a quilting blogger, but have been known to craft and also share recipes from time to time.
This quilt is Tropical Sunset and was made for the "Wake Up to Kona" blog hop.
You will find me trying to be a part of as many blog hops as possible.  In fact, one of my favorite places to hop is over at Sew We Quilt.  Madame Samm organizes 2 hops with different themes a month and everyone from beginner to veteran sewists can show projects and cheer on friends.

If you like ruffles, there is a blog hop beginning in March.
Sign up is going on now!
Get all the information to be a part of "Think Ruffles" HERE.
Swaps, QAL, BOM, Linkys, and Hops.  It's fun to share.
Most of the things I participate in are on my side bar.
Projects for Season 4, Project Quilting.
Project Quilting is an event I enjoy at this time of year.  You have one week to make a quilt after the challenge is announced.  If you are interested in a fun quilting challenge, this one will make you think out of the box.  Season 5 is underway.
This is where my blog name came from - I'm always telling people that I live in the sticks. 
I actually live in the wild, wild west. 
Dodge City, Kansas
It's no so wild, anymore.
I'm one of THOSE bloggers that walks away feeling good about a post and then.... oh wait.  I wanted to say that.  I'm always adding and rewording.  lol
This is my family.  My daughter is getting married this year and I will have a lot of wedding posts to share.  She just let me know that the date has been set.
October 18th!!!
This is her modeling a pants bag my friend Jen over at Glinda Quilts made for her.   Jen is taking over the world by showering it with pants bags. 
I met Jen by blogging about quilting.  She is one of the most giving quilters I've met.
In fact, blogging has brought a lot of wonderful friendships my way.
Since you have made it this far, let's have a giveaway.
A pack of Charm Squares: Kona® Cotton, Sunset palette
It's open to anyone and all you have to do is leave a comment telling me something about yourself.  Let's grow our blogs.
If you are a follower, new or loyal, you can leave a second comment saying you follow.
That is 2 chances to win.
The giveaway is open until February 15th
when the winner will be announced.
Good luck!
The giveaway is over.
   The winner was Connie!
Thank you to my loyal and new friends for visiting.

I don't know why Blogger decided to send an email post written in November just today.  I apologize for sending my email followers old news.  I don't know if it was that delayed or if I pushed a button I shouldn't 


  1. I live in the sticks too.... But in Northwestern Ontario (north of Lake Superior). Right now we are experiencing a deep freeze and it is lasting far too long!!

  2. I follow your blog via Bloglovin'!!

  3. Thanks for telling us more about yourself! I'm a mom to twin boys (2 years old) and I live up in the mountains, sort of. Kinda like where you live - far away from civilization. We love being nestled in the trees, it's so peaceful.

  4. I live in Eugene Oregon. A great place where you can get to the beach or the mountains in about an hour!

  5. I used to live in the sticks, but a lot of people are building homes next to me now. Oklahoma quilter. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  6. I am a follower on bloglovin. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  7. I live in Kansas as well (Haysville). I am married 36 years and have 6 grands.

  8. Something about me... I am relatively new to the blog world

  9. Thanks for this fun blog hop! I'm having fun teaching my four year old granddaughter to sew.

  10. I've been following your blog on Bloglovin for quite awhile. Thanks for all the inspiration. :)

  11. Hmmmmm we have the same name : )

  12. I much prefer country living than city living

  13. I live in the middle of nowhere too. Thank heavens for a computer. Is winter over yet? Can't wait for open windows, fresh air and tomatoes off the vine.

  14. I used to really live in the sticks. I went to a one room school with no running water. I was the only girl in my grade in grades 2-5. We had one junior high and one high school in the county. I had my mother for 5 classes in high school. I wanted to be a math teacher and took the first computer class offered at our state's only university at the time. I did major in math and got a minor in computer science. I had a career as a computer engineer. Now, I live in a suburb on Tulsa. Quite a change from the hills of WV.

  15. I cannot image making a quilt in a week. Wow! I follow you via Bloglovin'.

  16. So excited for you - a wedding to plan! Thank you for your kind words and for continuing to inspire ... hope this brings many more followers your way ... they won't be disappointed :)

  17. I live in the sticks too - in a very small village of less than 200 on a small lake in Alberta. Thanks for the give away!

  18. I follow you by email.

  19. Carla I already follow on bloglovin

  20. Carla my baby girl is expecting her first child. We are super excited. I hope you get a lot if visits during the hop

  21. Weddings are always so much fun! I just have to ask Carla - what is a pants bag? blessings, marlene

  22. It is fun to find out more about the bloggers behind the blogs. A random fact about myself is that I live in an English city and we have a castle and a cathedral which are both over 1000 years old. Thanks for a great giveaway too.

  23. I am a fairly new quilter. I love reading blogs to try to learn something new about quilting. I also love winning. Thanks for the chance.

  24. I am a follower via bloglovin.

  25. I am a follower, and love seeing your work.

  26. I live in the sticks too - a tiny village in Gloucestershire, England!

  27. I have followed you for quite some time. I am I am a wife and mother and grandma to one bearded husband, 2 great girls, and 2 grandkids, one 12 yr old girl and a 7 month boy. I love to sew(but have no time for it now) love to read and cook. I was a school lunchlady for 14 years and loved every day of it. retired to become a stay at home grandma. And I live in Winfield,Kansas.

  28. Who could be prouder of our other other other lady than your growth fuguratively and visually

  29. You have a beautiful family and You my dear are the cutest thing I ever saw !

  30. I miss living in a small town

  31. I live in snowy blowy Oshawa,Ontario well it is today. :) I also follow you through Bloglovin'

  32. Dodge City, huh? I watch Gunsmoke every day during my "down" time from quilting! Those are shows from back when TV was fun to watch! I am a Grow Your Blogger too! I am in southern california high desert!

  33. i like living in the sticks too! it is four miles to a neighbor or a black top road. thank you for a colorful giveaway.

  34. i follow you via email.

  35. I am a follower via email.

  36. I am a country girl who has gotten older and not in such great health and had to give up our TN farm and all our precious critters. Makes me sad, but your blog helps me remember the good times!

  37. already follow , thanks for the giveaway, great blog

  38. I`m from Spain and love cooking!

  39. I don't live in the sticks but it sure seems like the middle of no where. Actually it is in the geographical center of Texas. I love to quilt, craft, and scrapbook.

  40. I love your blog. I do not have a blog but love to follow many. I live in the sticks as well but i'm on the Maine coast where we are having a very cold snowy winter. But even so it is beautiful. Winter is the best time to stay inside and quilt.

  41. I live in Chandler, AZ, I'm a Wife, Mom, disabled and I love to craft and sew. Thanks for sharing your life and talents with us!
    Happy sewing,
    array-dawn at cox dot net

  42. I follow you via bloglovin'!
    array-dawn at cox dot net

  43. I have to ask, what is a pants bag?
    I am a newbie, so I have never heard of that before. :)

  44. I also follow you on Bloglovin. Was wondering what the deal was with the November post,lol. :)

  45. I follow by email.

  46. I've just started my blog. I live on a small West Coast Canadian island.

  47. Love checking out your blog. You did a great job on your Kona project. Looking forward to your next one!

  48. You are very rural....but so pretty! I have been quilting several years and am treasurer for our local guild, Material Girls, here in NE Ohio. We are in single digits weather wise with lots of snow right now...brrr! Thanks for the chance to win.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I also am a follower of your blog....

  53. I don't have a blog but I enjoy reading yours. You are always a busy little bee getting everything done. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  54. I follow by e-mail.

  55. I live in the country here in Georgia. I enjoy reading your blog.

  56. I don't live in the sticks, I live in England, in a town so old it's in the doomsday book.

  57. I am passionate about quilting. When I started, I didn't even know how to thread a machine.

  58. I am a new quilter & have found blog hops a great way to connect with new friends.

  59. Welcome to the GYB party -- your blog islisted in section 27 --- I hope you have the opportunity to make lots of new friends!


  60. Blog hops are great! Thank you for this giveaway!

  61. this is a fun blog hop. Thanks for telling us about yourself. I live in the tropics and hate the cold!

  62. Nice to get to know you! I have never been to the U.S, but I would love to once I can afford it.

    I live in Norway, and right now it is snowing. Again!


  63. I am enjoying this blog hop. Not that I need any new blogs to read. lol

  64. Nice to meet you. :)

    I'm not blogging, mainly 'cause I'm just spending way too much time to read blogs. Any time left, I want to spend on sewing.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  65. hi there. i'm Beth from E. Lizard Breath Speaks - so nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog get together/party. ( :

    sorry to hear you are having issues with blogger as well. it is no fun at all ... i guess it is just a thing... hoping it will clear up very soon.

  66. I open to your blog everyday. I DO follow you on Bloglovin, probably as Sewbeads but what counts to me is that I have a few special people in a folder marked WEEKLY and once a week I visit them all. Then there are REAAAAAAALLLLLY special people that I visit once a day. Yup, you are one of those.

  67. I have enjoyed the Kona blog hop so much. As far as getting new ideas go, it has to be one of my favorites. I enjoy these hops so much!

  68. I love rainbow color quilts.

  69. Follow on bloglovin'.

  70. I was born in a farmhouse on an Appalachian mountaintop. Thanks for the chance to win.

  71. I'm a follower with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.

  72. You may live in the sticks, but I want to know how far it is for you to drive to your local quilt shop? We live near a resort community in the mountains of Idaho, but I have a quilt shop just 7 miles away. Easy to pick up a new project at the LQS and then climb up a mountain for a good hike!

  73. I'm a new follower on Bloglovin'. Congrats on your daughter's upcoming wedding - how exciting!!! I keep waiting for my daughter to announce something - good thing I'm not holding my breath, lol!

  74. Hello,

    Nice to meet you.:)
    I would like to participate in your giveaway.



  75. I love to craft and to learn new crafts.

  76. I follow your blog via bloglovin.

  77. I live in England and it's very wet here at the moment, sooo much rain! I love sewing and quilting.

  78. Greetings from the sticks of rural Nova Scotia , I am a follower and enjoy your posts .

  79. Hello from Montana! Raised in Downs,Ks.+your Blog is so neat to me>bringing back so many good memories! Thanks for sharing!


  81. It's been fun to meet new bloggers on the hop. I've been blogging for about 5 years, and I am still amazed at the creativity that is shared.

  82. I live in the sticks in western KY!

  83. I live in Nashville and I do not sing! I started my blog just about 3 months ago. It's been so much fun!

  84. I too live in the sticks, in outback Queensland, Australia. I also have a cat and a JRT called Poppy.

  85. I have been following you since last year.

  86. I also live in the sticks...almost in middle of Ohio! We also have a Peach Orchard here (180 trees) I make a yummy peach cobbler!! (Husband's Gma's recipe!YUM!!!)

  87. I have followed quite awhile...thru GFC & now Bloglovin too :)

    Wrote during the Kona Blog Hop...LOOOOOOVE your Awesome Quilt!!!! GORGEOUS!!!!

  88. I don't live in the sticks now but I did most of my life. I miss all the wide open spaces and all the wild animals and birds. I don't have a blog of my own but I love reading quilter's blogs and adding my comments.

  89. I am the first one in my family to own a sewing machine! Thanks for the chance to win!

  90. I follow you on Bloglovin! Thanks for the chance to win!

  91. I went to college at McPherson College in McPherson, KS, and met my husband there. We now live "in the sticks" in central IL--by that I mean out in the country. :)

  92. I was just to a conference with several members of your state. Loved them all but no one was from Dodge. Thanks.

  93. I'm Wendy and I've just spilt coffee down myself.

  94. It's so nice that your daughter is getting married. Designing a wedding is so much fun the planning part can be stressful! I live in the uk, near a national park so the countryside around is very pretty.

  95. WOW! you really do live in the sticks but I like it. thanks for the giveaway.

  96. I live in WI and it's supposed to be -18 tomorrow morning, without the wind chill. I'm so sick of this winter!

  97. Something about myself--I wish I had enough time to use all the fabric I buy! But I'd rather make a few really nice thing than a bunch of mediocre things.

  98. I made my first blog post one year ago today! Also I'm tired of this severe cold snap. Negative temperatures for a sustained period of time are not my idea of a good time. Some really nice projects for project quilting season 4. Congrats on your daughters engagement!

  99. I would love to make a rainbow quilt this year. So I'm a little obsessed with kona right now. Congrats to your daughter and your family on the upcoming wedding.

  100. New follower of your blog through blog lovin. Can't wait to see what you've got in the works.

  101. Hi, I'm visiting you out in the sticks from the GYB party. You create some nice quilted pieces, I especially like the Tropical Sunset.
    Congratulations on your daughter getting married, it will be a busy year.

  102. Hmm, well here's something you don't know yet: my mom and I share a birthday, with each other as well as John Travolta! :) Thanks for the chance at some Kona solids!

  103. I live in the sticks too. A very rural upstate SC

  104. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I'm trying to finish some quilts that I started a long time ago. This charm pack would be perfect for me.

  105. Already follow you on bloglovin: Nicole Sender.

  106. Nice to read more about you and see what you've been making!

  107. Enjoying my journey through GYB, thanks for sharing about blogging:) Vicky

  108. I live in the "sticks" in Los Angeles. It is an area with horses, chickens, llamas, and other interesting creatures. Including the ones who are great garden pests. On the other hand I am only 20 mins out of downtown LA

    Love Kona!

  109. I understand growing up in the sticks. We lived in a very rural part of LA (Lower Alabama) near grandparents and and cousins. I like your blog and I'm a new follower.

  110. I am not "in the sticks" but certainly not in a big city. I love sewing, quilting, weaving and digitizing embroidery designs.

  111. I enjoyed reading and getting know a little more about you here. Now I know what part of the "sticks" you are in. Very pretty country. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  112. If I had to choose between the sticks and the city, sticks would win, hands down.

  113. We used to live in the sticks - the Poconos (NE PA) but are currently just outside of San Francisco in suburbia... We definitely miss the woods!

  114. I live in SW Michigan. I really like all the things you have made.

  115. I follow your blog via email.

  116. I became a first-time grandma last summer, and I am crazy about my little grand-daughter!! :o)

  117. I follow you via GFC and BLoglovin.

  118. Had a couple of great days.Yesterday helped DIL cut out her first ever quilt, finished piecing baby quilt with 8 yr old granddaughter, and supervised teen age granddaughter remodel a slip to wear with her Sweetheart Dance dress. Then today, tended 4 grandchildren while their brother was born. What a great life! Thanks,

  119. I have three girls that I love to sew for!

  120. I'm a follower of you blog on bloglovin!

  121. I'm a follower of you blog on bloglovin

  122. It's nice to meet you. I like to do everything, although I have been inspired with all of the quilting blogs. Enjoy the wedding plans!

  123. Hi.....I'm from Central Texas and have been married for 48 years.

  124. I currently live near VA Beach, VA (hubby is navy) but by the end of this year we will be closer to country. Hubby is retiring and we are moving back home to Michigan. So excited!

  125. Following on Bloglovin as The Simplified Home

  126. Greetings from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Very nice to meet you. Lovely work.

  127. I live on a small island.

  128. I follow via email. I'm a beginning quilter and learn so much.

  129. Your quilts are gorgeous! I love all the colors!

  130. I live in the sticks, too, on a farm in Ontario, Canada. Love your quilts, Carla. Glad you are my friend and thanks for the giveaway!

  131. I love being 50 and my lovely studio

  132. Thanks for the giveaway! I need more solids in my stash.

  133. Hi! I'm a mom to 4 grown kids and hope that someday they make me a grandma.

  134. New follower, old quilter. You have very handsome children!

  135. What a delightful blog - so much to enjoy. Thank you for sharing. You are going to have a very exciting time while your daughter prepares for her wedding. My daughter married in June and the excitement before was wonderful. Congrats.

  136. Congratulations to your daughter! My bro just got married last year:)

  137. A wedding, how fun! I just ordered a 10-yard bolt of wedding-themed quilting fabric. I have a quilt to make for one wedding and with a daughter who is 22, we're getting into that area where her friends are announcing engagements all over the place! Lots of wedding quilts in our future! Beth @ Words & Stitches,


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!