
Monday, September 2, 2013

Hot Hairstylist with a Mug Rug

Sitting out on the porch, wondering what to do in the sewing room, when it hits me. (as if I need to wonder..) That mug is needing a rug...

That would mean I would need to make diamonds!  That would mean more of that 60 degree triangle ruler!  (technically 30 degrees but the ruler is 60)   I was up for the challenge and had a blast.

Now that is a lot better.  Anyone want a hair cut this morning...

From a Hot Hairstylist? 

Are they talking temperature?

Happy Day Off!

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  1. The mug rug turned out wonderful!

  2. That's very cute and instant gratification!

  3. Lovely mug rug for a most stylish stylist :)

  4. Stunning! I love the diamonds and I love the color....perfect for that mug. And yes, as a matter of fact, I'm in need of a haircut. :) blessings, marlene


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