
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mother's Day Came Early

I had a very nice surprise visit from my son and his girlfriend this weekend and I put them to work. 

My son and his girlfriend with the smile they put on our propane tank

But wait, here is the before, during, and after.... It's amazing what creative people can do with a little paint.

Those tanks were such an eye sore before.  Now, every time I look out my kitchen window I will see that smile and think of the kids. 

My grandmother had gas tanks with smiles on her farm and I always thought it was such a happy sight.  Now my son has recreated that memory for me.  Happy Mother's Day to me..early...

My son has to work next weekend and decided to come this weekend instead.  He lives 5 hours away and it is quite a little trip so I feel very blessed.

My son, Randy and his girlfriend, Andie

Now, I wonder what little thing chore my daughter will want to do next  She is planning on spending Mother's Day with me here.  Not a bad gig for me.

Hope you have had as good a weekend as I,

1 comment:

That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!