
Friday, May 31, 2013

May Goal - Check...but not without difficulties, A Lovely Year of Finishes

Just a quick post so I can add this to the finish party over at A Lovely Year Of Finishes.  I fought the Janome and thread all day and they very nearly won.  If not for obligations, this one would have been a UFO for a long, long time.

It's always the ones you think you'll breeze through that make you feel like you should find a new hobby.  I'll give details later.  For now, she's DONE.

Posting this with a couple hours to spare.  HA!  Take that sewing machine!  I did it in spite of you.

Update:  After the trauma, I did a proper post HERE

I need a drink,


  1. congrats on defeating the sewing machine & thread! :)

  2. Well done for sticking at it, my friend ... A lovely finish :)

  3. Isn't that always the way? It's lovely. Sorry you had troubles

  4. Good for you on winning the battle... sometimes I think I'd get NOTHING done if weren't for blog challenges!


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!