
Friday, March 1, 2013

A Lovely Year of Finishes March Goal

I am participating in A Lovely Year of Finishes over at Fiber of All Sorts.  Every month is started with a goal and by the end of the month, hopefully I will post the finish.

t shirt blocks

lattice and corner stones

I am going to be ambitious this month and finish the t-shirt quilt I've been commissioned to make.  I have everything cut and pieced and ready to put together.  This quilt is for graduation and I would like to have it finished in time to start another one before the big event in May.  (I was asked yesterday if I would make another one.)

This means it will be quilted and the binding done.  Wish me luck.....

The snow is melting nicely today :^)

Linking up with:


  1. Looks like a wonderful graduation gift! Good luck...

  2. I made my first t-shirt quilt last year. My grandson got it for Christmas. His mamma was so happy. It was a lot of fun. A lot of work working with tiny onesis. But it was a work of love.
    Can't wait to see your finish.
    Thanks for coming by and visiting. I'll be posting my plans later today. I am following you now in my little blue slippers.
    Have a great weekend,


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!