
Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Lovely Year of Finishes 2013

It's a new year and I, like many others, am trying to set my sewing goals. I have joined some classes and a quilt-along. Today I am starting to gather all those ufo's and make THIS year A Lovely Year of Finishes.  I'm hoping by joining this group, I will finish the year with nothing in the UFO box.  A girl can dream....

Scrappy Wonky Log Cabin Throw

This is my January goal.  What was supposed to be a gift for a Christmas exchange is now my first UFO for 2013.  I would like to have this quilted and the binding finished by the end of January.  Ambitious, yes, but I have been commissioned to make a t-shirt quilt for a graduation gift and need to finish this before I get started on that project.

A Lovely Year of Finishes
I have to finish up the snow dye fabric and will be back with that later today,

Linking up with:

UFO Sundays on the Free Motion Quilting Project

A Lovely Year of Finishes


  1. Too spooky for words, Carla - just this minute linked up myself to 2013 - A Lovely Year of Finishes then saw you'd done a new post so popped by to see you! Good luck with your UFO ... you can do it :)

    1. Jennifer,
      We seem to run in the same bloggy circles a lot. Good luck on your wip. Glad to have your company in this group. We will get these ufo's done in 2013. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. A good idea to set a goal on finishing an individual project - I was just trying to finish as many UFOs as possible!

    1. Hi Sharon,
      I have lots of UFOs to finish this year. I want to finish this one in January. I have it all basted as of today, but started a new project this afternoon. I get too easily distracted. This group will help me get these UFOs finished.. Good luck on yours!

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog. I also need to work on finishing my UFO this year.

    1. Thanks for coming over Michelle. I enjoyed your blog. Nice posts.

  4. I love the way those wonky blocks look with the black sashing. I may have to steal the idea.

    1. Abby,
      I would like to take credit, but I participated in the Sandy Quilt Block Drive over at The Quilting Gallery and had so much fun with them that I just kept making them. Here's the tutorial if you are interested:

  5. That's a great quilt. I hope you can finish it by the end of January. Best of luck.

    1. Thanks, I am going to hit it hard this weekend. Thank you for stopping by.


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