
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blogger's Quilt Festival; Down the Dyeing Path

A finish just in time for the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  I also want to express concern and hope that all my east coast friends are doing OK after the crazy storm, Sandy.

Down the Dyeing Path
I want to thank Amy over at Amy's Creative Side for hosting the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  I have found some great ideas and wonderful works of art.  I am inspired! 
Be sure and take this link and check it out.
Amy's Creative Side


Update....I made the finalist list for the Rainbow Quilt category:  Please vote for me HERE.  Please and thank you :)
*Voting has ended, but you can still see the finalists.*

Down the Dyeing Path

There's a whole lot of firsts for me on this quilt.  The inspiration for the quilt came from a fabric dyeing class at my local quilt shop.   The class was Hands on Hand Dyes and I did the Full Spectrum Playgrounds Kit.  I had never dyed fabric before and loved doing it.  I had a little dye left over after the class and brought it home and did a little more dyeing of my own on some stashed black and white fabric.  The white in the fabric picked up the dye.
Full Spectrum Fabric Dyed by ME :)

A closer look at the black and white dyed fabric by ME :)

The 6 inch blocks are London Stairs. I found the pattern at Quilt-Pro Block of the Day.  They send me a pattern in my email every day.  I used one of the spectrum fabrics in each block.  When I started making blocks I knew I wanted to make a color wheel quilt with every one of the hand dyed fabrics.

Here is the back
I only had a little of the black and white fabric left to put on the back of the quilt.  I wanted to have a little of the original fabric somewhere and thought the back was a great place to incorporate it with some of the extra pieces from the quilt top.

Free Motion Center
The quilting is free motion in the center and then I switched to my dual feed foot and machine (Janome MC 6600) quilted the spiral across the entire quilt to give it a modern twist.

And that is my journey "Down the Dyeing Path".  I'm going to hang this in my Sewing Room for color wheel inspiration.  I use the color wheel at work everyday and am just fascinated by it as a tool for so many things.

Thanks for stopping by and looking.

Blogger’s Quilt Festival Stats
Finished quilt measures : 42" x 42″
Special techniques used : hand dyed fabric, free motion quilting
Quilted by : Me :)
Best Category : Favorite ROYGBIV (color wheel) quilt; Home machine quilted quilt; Wall hanging
Entry #:  504

What a cool experience for all of us that don't get to
attend quilt festivals in person, right?

Linked up with:


  1. I love your quilt--the colors, the pattern, your quilting. The whole thing is fabulous!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. I love your blog by the way. You have great ideas and share so much.

  3. Replies
    1. The spiral quilting did change the overall look. Thank you for visiting.

  4. wow this is really cool, great job - and i really like the quilting!

    1. Thank you Lyanna. What a beautiful name you have.

  5. I am thrilled with your quilt! So happy you found the Hands On Hand Dyes experience inspirational! Love that you used every last drop of dye!

  6. GREAT quilt! Lovely fabrics and genius to overdye the B&W and use that too. I like that pattern for this as well... it makes it look SO much more complex than it is. Fabulous work, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Eden. The black and white fabric really turned out better than I expected. So nice of you to comment.

  7. What a beautiful quilt, and nice colour choices!

    1. Thank you Rebecca. It was fun to dye my own fabric. Now I have a quilt with each of my own created colors.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you very much. I appreciate your sweet comment.

  9. Such sweet comments. Thanks for stopping by my blog and looking!

  10. A beautiful quilt! I love the way you set the blocks to move the colors across the quilt.

    Isn't dyeing fun? Are you hooked on it now? I always have trouble cutting into the fabric I dyed. LOL!

    1. Wow, Sharon, it took me awhile to decide to cut the fabric. You ARE familiar with this process. LOL I have some fabric that is so pretty that I am going to just try a whole mini quilt and not cut it. Just quilt it and bind it. Thanks for the sweet comment and stopping by.

  11. Wow, this is inspirational. I'm looking to do some of my own dyeing too, although haven't had the chance to do any yet. your quilt looks so fabulous, its given me even more drive to get on with some dyeing. lovely!

    1. You must try dyeing. The satisfaction is incredible. Not only do I love the fabric, but it makes quilting even more fun. Thank you for such a nice comment.

  12. Great job!! I love the colors and the pattern and it gave me a wonderful idea for how to use some fabric I have... not hand dyed but beautifully gradient colors.

    1. Gradient is one of my favorite color ways. I love the way it makes the eye travel from one end to another. Thank you for coming by. Good luck on your project!

  13. WOW! great quilt! Love that circular quilting! :)

    1. i know it sounds crazy, but I actually felt a little dizzy a couple of times while I was quilting this one. Thanks Beth.

  14. Wow what a process! Great block too! Well done

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment and for stopping by, Camilla.

  15. Gorgeous quilt! I love all the hand dyed colors against the black! Congratulations on being nominated. Well deserved.

    1. Hand dyeing is so much fun. Thank you so much.

  16. This is stunning. I love the hand dyed fabric and the maze-like pattern you used

  17. Parabéns !!!!
    Muito lindo seu trabalho !
    Você é, realmente, uma grande artista !!!!
    Um abraço, com muita Luz e Paz,!

  18. Estou começando no Patchwork agora, há um ano, apenas, portanto ainda tenho algumas dificuldades de identificar os blocos....Seria pedir muito à você, se eu te pedisse para divulgar o bloco deste belíssimo trabalho ????
    Fiquei encantada, mas não sei por onde começar .....
    Um abraço, Marilene


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!