
Monday, March 5, 2012

Craftsy Block of the Month - March

I have successfully ignored some unfinished projects in order to start a new quilt project, but I'm so excited to finally take a quilting class. I have found this great FREE class online and want to share it with you.

The class is called, "The Craftsy Block of the Month" with Amy Gibson. The link is HERE . Every month you will learn a new technique and make two blocks.

March Blocks

The March blocks are foundation piecing blocks.  I had fun with them, but I'm such a rule follower that it was hard not to have every piece in these blocks the same and

String Block Pattern

Broken Spider Web Pattern

I think I would like a whole quilt of either one of these blocks.  They are so colorful and fun.

By December I'm supposed to have a throw-sized quilt.  Here are past blocks for this class:

On another note, Spring is close.  :^)  We took a walk down by the creek yesterday and I was able to take this picture of this Cardinal.  There were 3 or 4 just playing in the trees.  I watched them for about 15 minutes, but this was the only picture I was able to get.  I need a new camera, but I'm getting the sewing machine first.   Happy Spring!
I really need to get some old projects going,

Linking up with:


  1. think your blocks look great keep up the good work

    1. Thank you. I love learning new skills. Thanks for stopping by...

  2. Love your blocks. The splash of turquoise makes them just pop!!

    1. I really like these colors. Thank you for the very nice comment...


That you would take time to comment, makes my day so much brighter!