
Friday, February 17, 2012

Homecoming coiffure

It's an exciting day for my niece.  She is up for homecoming queen tonight at the basketball game. 
Kari, my niece
Isn't she beautiful?  I'm such a lucky Aunt.  She let me do her hair for the night's festivities. We tried to keep her hair simple and not to Prommy (not a word, I know). lol The braid is laid over the rest of her hair.  You can't really see it in the picture, but it looks like a spider web.

She'll be wearing a very cute strapless dress.  The hair should be perfect with it.

She is so sweet.  I hope tonight turns out just the way she hopes it will. She would make a beautiful Homecoming Queen.  She is just so happy to be nominated.  

I wish I would have taken a better picture of her,

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour en plus d'une bonne présentation, je trouve que vous traitez bien le sujet. Expert Coiffure


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